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Search results

  1. admin

    VOTE NOW for the 2009 Calendar - Ends Fri Oct 3rd

    OK, it's time to vote for the 2009 CS.com Calendar. Choose your favorite 12 photos. Remember, you only get one chance to vote. The top 13 cars will have their own month or cover. (I give the choice of the cover shot to the To help see the images better I've set up a preview...
  2. admin

    ADMIN - Photos needed of 2007+ GT/CS features

    I'm working on the late model sections of the site; basically putting together the 2007+ version of the "IDENTIFICATION" page for the '69's (http://www.californiaspecial.com/features1.htm ) What I'm looking for is photos from late model owners of the parts specific to the GT/CS. Things like...
  3. admin

    ADMIN - Submit your pics for the 2009 Calendar! - Deadline Sept 15, 2008

    Here's the official call for entries for the 2009 California Special Calendar. Please start gathering your best photos and submit them no later than Monday Sept 15, 2008. We've been doing this for a few years now and it's always a big success. I'm looking forward to another great one this year...
  4. admin

    ADMIN - Gallery photos not working - I'm on it

    You may have noticed the Gallery pics aren't working. I upgraded some server software, which of course broke something. :wink: I'm working on it and hope to have it fixed shortly.