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Search results

  1. stangfan

    For Sale Car in Mission BC

    I know nothing bout this car. It just showed up on Facebook Marketplace. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/609421831698720/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks I just realized that the ad states that it is a 67, so that question is solved.
  2. stangfan

    1968 Lowlife on Facebook using Neil's photo

    Just received a Facebook friend request from a 'Neil'. Looked at the photo and realized that some lowlife has taken Neil Hoppe's picture and is using it to try and get people to accept his request. Pretty sad!!!
  3. stangfan

    1968 Email Notifications

    For some reason, I am no longer getting emails when new posts are put up. I checked my preferences and the appropriate boxes are ticked off.
  4. stangfan

    1968 Why I Like NPD!

    When I purchased my GT/CS I ordered some parts from NPD, one of which was a starter solenoid. After a few starts it went bad, so I phoned them up and they replaced it for me at no charge. It lasted for over ten years. I ordered a new one and just over a year later it stuck, so I called to see...
  5. stangfan

    1968 2024 Calendar

    Will there be a calendar contest again? Fingers crossed...
  6. stangfan

    For Sale 15 x 7 Shelby 10 Spoke Wheels

    Just found this on FB. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/440273208128982?media_id=0&ref=share_attachment
  7. stangfan

    1968 Al Page's Old Car

    Just found this on Facebook. His was the only Candy Apple Red S Code with black buckets and headrests. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=5623419687682131&set=pcb.1963938890661353 Well since we are moving soon, I decided to sell my 1968 California Special, Candy Apple Red with black...
  8. stangfan

    1968 Happy Build Day!

    I had my GT/CS out for it's build day celebration cruise this morning. 53 years old today!
  9. stangfan

    1968 Eight Years Ago...

    today, I brought my GT/CS home. I had it out for a drive this morning to celebrate. :cool: I just LOVE this car!!
  10. stangfan

    For Sale GT/CS S Code (Al Page) Car For Sale

  11. stangfan

    1968 Broken wire at temperature sending unit

    I was doing some detailing under the hood and managed to break the temperature sender wire off right at the elbow. Is there a way to open the elbow up to reconnect the wire or do I need to get a new harness?
  12. stangfan

    . RIP GT/CS S Code

    I just heard that a local to me GT/CS owner and friend, Al Page, passed away this weekend. He will be missed. He was GT/CS S Code on this site. This is his garage: http://californiaspecial.com/forums/dto_showcase.php?do=preview&g=1026
  13. stangfan

    For Sale This is the February Calendar Car

    https://www.ebay.com/itm/202912945863?ul_noapp=true It popped up on my eBay search this morning. It's the February car on our calendar.
  14. stangfan

    1968 The Bonnie & Clyde GT/CS...

    is in the December issue of Mustang Monthly. :cool:
  15. stangfan

    1968 51 Years Old Today

    Just back from a lovely drive to celebrate the 51st birthday of my GT/CS. :cool: :grin:
  16. stangfan

    1968 As the Odometer Turns...

    I had the GT/CS out for a highway run this morning, and watched as the odometer turned to 54,000 miles. :grin:
  17. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday...

    franklinair!! :grin:
  18. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    somethingspecial. :grin:
  19. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    miller511. :grin:
  20. stangfan

    . Private Messages

    Is the private message system on here working?