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Search results

  1. stangfan

    1968 Unusual Spark Plug Wire Separator

    This is something that I have been wondering about since I purchased my GT/CS last August. This is a California car, sold in San Francisco and lived in Sacramento for the first 43 years of its life. The plug wires on the right side of the engine are routed via a separator that I have never...
  2. stangfan

    . T-shirts

    I have heard a rumour that at one time there were t-shirts available from the website. Is there any chance that this might happen again? I'd be in for a couple. :grin:
  3. stangfan

    1968 Turn Signal Flasher

    I had the car out for a run today, and before I put it back in the garage, thought I would check my turn signals. Left signal...good. Right signal...nothing. Hmm. Tried left again...nothing. I then hit the hazard switch and all appropriate lights flashing. I suspect that the turn signal...
  4. stangfan

    1968 Cellphone Video

    I was taking my GT/CS to the shop this morning and noticed a mini-van pacing me in the left lane. I looked over and the passenger was doing a cellphone video of the car. I've never had a car that gets attention like this one. Incredible!! :grin:
  5. stangfan

    For Sale 1/64th GT/CS on eBay

    Not sure what this guy has been smoking. The pictures sure look like the regular Matchbox GT/CS that you get at the toy store. Look at what he is asking for them, and at a REDUCED price at that. Am I missing something here?? :rolleyes...
  6. stangfan

    1968 Ignition Coil Question

    One of my Spring projects is to replace some incorrect items in the engine bay. The coil that came with the car is an aftermarket one. The PO tried to make it look correct by painting the top. Unfortunately, he used a very bright yellow, so it sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb. I...
  7. stangfan

    1968 Green Hornet

    Does anyone know what time the Green Hornet is supposed to cross the block at BJ on Saturday? I really want to watch that one. Any guesses as to how much it will go for? :grin:
  8. stangfan

    1968 Thermactor Pump

    My GT/CS was built mid-March for the San Francisco area. It has the hose running from the oil breather to the air cleaner and a PCV valve on the right side valve cover. It is a C code 2v 289. Would it have come from the factory with a Thermactor or smog pump? Thanks. :grin:
  9. stangfan

    Sunvisor Installation Question

    I just received a pair of TMI sunvisors to replace the not so nice ones in my 68. Is there a trick to installing the long visor arm into the steel insert inside the visor? Taking the old one off of the arm was very difficult and I thought once I had cleaned up the arm it would install into the...
  10. stangfan

    1968 Elite Marti Report

    I bit the bullet and ordered my report today. Can't wait to see it! :grin:
  11. stangfan

    1968 Taillight Screw Needed

    My GT/CS has one incorrect screw on a taillight bezel. It's not a big deal, but I see it every time I look at the rear end of the car. Does anyone have an extra they would be willing to sell me? I'd be more than happy to pay for it and shipping. Thanks. Steve
  12. stangfan

    1968 Rechromed 67 Rear Bumper

    I have a line on a Ford rear bumper which has been rechromed. The seller is listing it as a 1967. Given that there should be a date stamped into the rear surface of the bumper somewhere, can you guys see a problem with me using a 67 bumper? I'm not trying to make the car concours correct, but...
  13. stangfan

    Question About Hood Pins

    I just acquired a GT/CS. The hood pin on the left will not lock down and I believe the problem is that the bracket with the lockdown point is too low. I took the three small bolts out of the bracket, but cannot get it to move. Is there a trick to adjusting it up? Thanks very much.
  14. stangfan

    1968 Got it!

    Just got home a bit ago from buying the C/S that was for sale in Rosedale BC. It is a genuine 50,000 mile car. I have the original bill of sale. The first owner passed away and left it to his daughter who had no interest in the car so it sat for a long time. The second owner brought it up to...
  15. stangfan

    1968 Newbie With a Question - Dogdish Hubcaps

    Hi. I'm new from Victoria BC in Canada. I've been into Mustangs since 96 and am (sort of) looking at the market for a GT/CS. I found one in New Westminster BC on a car lot. Did these cars ever come with dogdish hubcaps? The paint on the steel wheels matches the car, but I don't recall...