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Search results

  1. stangfan

    1968 At the Car Show Today

    I was at a car show today with the GT/CS and as usual, lots of people were interested in the car and what made it different from a regular 68 Mustang. Just as I was getting ready to leave, a fellow came up and told me that he used to own a "California Special Cougar". :rolleyes:
  2. stangfan

    1968 My GT/CS in Mustang Monthly

    I don't have my copy yet, but I found out a couple of days ago that my GT/CS is in the September issue of Mustang Monthly on the Readers' Album page. :cool:
  3. stangfan

    1968 The $7,000,000. Mustang

    The August issue of Mustang Monthly has the article we've all been waiting for. :grin:
  4. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    clubpro! :cool:
  5. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    to CALIF GIRL. :grin:
  6. stangfan

    . You Tube Video

    Does anyone know how to save a You Tube video to a memory stick? I'd love to copy that GT/CS commercial from 1968. Thanks.
  7. stangfan

    . Another Happy Birthday!

    This time to 390gtmustang! :grin:
  8. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    Toy68CS. :grin:
  9. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday

    to CougarCJ! :grin:
  10. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday...

    to rvrtrash. Hope you have a great one! :grin:
  11. stangfan

    . Just Had to Log In

    Has something been done to the website this morning? I was in earlier and everything was normal. Just came in again and had to log in. I wondered why all the threads showed as new, and then noticed I wasn't logged in anymore. Seems strange.
  12. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    GT/CS S Code. Hope you have a great day Al. From the looks of the weather, you won't be turning the wheels on your CS though.
  13. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday...

    to robert campbell! :grin:
  14. stangfan

    1968 Green Hornet Heading for a Restoration

    This just showed up in my email. http://www.mustangandfords.com/featured-vehicles/historic-green-hornet-1968-ford-mustang-shelby-exp-500-headed-historically-correct-restoration-mcacn-2018-debut/
  15. stangfan

    . Another Happy Birthday!

    This time to Goldie!
  16. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday to...

    retroman99. :grin:
  17. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday...

    to classicsguy and sam. :grin:
  18. stangfan

    . 2018 gt/cs?

    Does anyone know if Ford is producing a GT/CS for 2018? I've searched Ford Canada online and nothing. I find it interesting that the website indicates that brochures are no longer available for the Mustang. Wonder if you can still get them at the dealership?
  19. stangfan

    . Merry Christmas...

    to all my fellow GT/CS and High Country Special enthusiasts! :grin:
  20. stangfan

    . Happy Birthday wishes to...

    gtcs1 and Powell. :grin: