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Search results

  1. H

    . MCA National, Fredricksburg

    I hope to beat the show with my HCS.
  2. H

    How is your dad getting along? I have no way of going to local mustang shows. I haven't drove a...

    How is your dad getting along? I have no way of going to local mustang shows. I haven't drove a car the last 3mo.
  3. H

    1966-67 HCS shows

    Anybody going to the new mustang museum at Charlotte N.C ? Another one is the MCA Grand National in Va. this fall?
  4. H

    By chance are you going to the Mca this fall in Va. Hope to see you.

    By chance are you going to the Mca this fall in Va. Hope to see you.
  5. H

    Are you going to the MCA Grand National in Va

    Are you going to the MCA Grand National in Va
  6. H

    . Mustang 55th Anniv.

    I forgot to mention about the Grand National next year in Va.
  7. H

    . Mustang 55th Anniv.

    I have plans for the opening of the museum. I hope to have my car in the museum.I inquired about it but I haven't anything about it.
  8. H

    1968 Birthday

    They come to quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  9. H

    1968 One of our fellow members lost his C.S. in the Paradise fire

    I don't know to say but you have ours prayers Tom
  10. H

    Are you going to the MCA Grand National next yearin Maryland? I'm waiting for the signs to open.

    Are you going to the MCA Grand National next yearin Maryland? I'm waiting for the signs to open.
  11. H

    By chance do you belong to the AACA car club? Every they have a Hershey car show

    By chance do you belong to the AACA car club? Every they have a Hershey car show
  12. H

    Are you going to the MCA opening of the museum April at Charlotte N.C.

    Are you going to the MCA opening of the museum April at Charlotte N.C.
  13. H

    I just got the information about the museum and they had some information if you wanted to show...

    I just got the information about the museum and they had some information if you wanted to show your car in the museum so I filled it out and sent in in. I don't know how long or anything.
  14. H

    . Happy Birthday Donna

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOM, AND MANY MORE. Hope to see you again.
  15. H

    . MCA Museum

    Trying to get a motel but I priced a couple but they are running about 9 hundred for three days.
  16. H

    We have a reservation for the motel. but the price is 1 hundred to see the museum.The motels are...

    We have a reservation for the motel. but the price is 1 hundred to see the museum.The motels are filling up. One year we went to the race track and talk about rain That was AACA show the whole week.
  17. H

    . MCA Museum

    The museum will open April 17 to 20 located in Concord N. C. Just outside of Charlotte. The museum is under construction.
  18. H

    . MCA Museum

    Mca is building a new museum in N.C. Is anybody going to it when it opens up next April? .
  19. H

    MCA museum

    Any body going to the new MCA Museum next year.
  20. H

    . Mustang museum

    Shelby East Cast Grand National will be in the Carlisle Mustang show this year. They have a 68 Cal sp and HCS class and I been the only car in that class for the last two years. This year I signed up for the regular 68 class.