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Search results

  1. H

    . Mustang museum

    This weekend AACA museum has a Mustang show this weekend and it's calling for some rain in fact it's called for rain this whole week.
  2. H

    . Mustang museum

    Anybody going to the new Mustang Museum at Concord NC next year?
  3. H

    . HAPPY BIRTHDAY hcsstang

    That year interest me cause that is the year that I was born.
  4. H

    . HAPPY BIRTHDAY hcsstang

    Thanks, I;m still looking for a 37 model.
  5. H

    1968 Happy Birthday hicountrybob

    Hap[py Birthday BOB. Hope that you got the pictures of our cars at the Carlisle show.
  6. H

    1968 Turning 50

    I would like something from the 37th area
  7. H

    . Merry Christmas...

    and a happy and gloruies NEW YEAR
  8. H

    . Happy Birthday to....

    Happy BIRTHDAY Neil and many more
  9. H

    Got the lids today/ Hope that you are satisfied with the watch. Keep up the good work on the...

    Got the lids today/ Hope that you are satisfied with the watch. Keep up the good work on the website site/
  10. H

    1968 Finishing touches... need advice on several items

    While you are talking about the lucas lights I'm looking for a pair of covers.
  11. H

    1968 Help a sister out please, car fire

    Glad that you got the car back. I would love to get out to Cal and see you again but my travel time is limited from now on.
  12. H

    . Happy Birthday...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It's nice having it in the month of May. hcsstang
  13. H

    1968 HAPPY BIRTHDAY hcsstang

    TANKS for everything. My wife had a surprise party and it was enjoyable.
  14. H

    Are you the one that I meet at the Carlisle show? When is your club having the show in...

    Are you the one that I meet at the Carlisle show? When is your club having the show in Philadelphia?
  15. H

    1968 Help a sister out please, car fire

    At one time you could remember the vin without any help but that been a while back so can you still do it ? That was before the car accident.
  16. H

    Bluebonnet Specials......anyone?

    On the Carlisle show, That was the car. It's beautiful
  17. H

    Bluebonnet Specials......anyone?

    Years ago at the Carlisle Mustang show.When you got in they gave you a program. In the program they have a of the name of special listed. I was surprised at the amount of car names. I never heard of a them.. I wanted to save it but my wife had a better idea. The one that I remember had vinyl...
  18. H

    ADMIN CALL FOR PHOTOS! -Submit your pics for the 2017 CS Calendar! - Deadline Oct 7, 2016

    One year I went to the Gettysburg battlefield and photographed my car and sent them in but I found out that they weren't large enough .
  19. H

    . Bob Teets retires

    I agree with what everybody has said About the MUSTANG followers. All my prayers goes out to Bob Teets.
  20. H

    1968 Happy birthday

    Happy birthday. How is the car coming along?