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I have a black set; although one does have a split. Let me know if you are interested. I can take pictures and send you. I haven't looked at them in a while, I'll try to inspect them and give you a better description if interested.
If Marty isn't interested in the headrests, I would be. I've been looking for some original black ones for a while (even if they do have a split).
Just let me know.
Thanks Danny,
I would like to see pictures of them. I know one of mine is split real bad and I can not remember what the other one was like. I put 69 covers on them till I could do somthing else. I got a deduction at the Grand National for them and would like to take care of that before next year. Do you have my email address? Marty
Sounds great. Just let me know.
If Marty does pass, I'll be out of town on this Saturday but may be available Sun. Is the Bass Pro show Sat or Sunday?