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1968 AOD transmission swap slip yoke ID


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Trying to identify the source for the transmission slip yoke used with the c-4 to AOD transmission swap. Looking for possible doner vehicles or the Hollander Interchange number to use the stock driveshaft with the AOD. Do all AOD driveshafts have the same yoke or does this project require a slip yoke from a specific Ford product?


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
I think I'd just use the slip yoke that was made for your tranny and have your driveshaft made accordingly.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I used my C4 auto stock yoke. In fact, until I had to move my engine back to get the blower belt to clear the electric fan, I used my stock drive line!! Stock yoke worked fine and was confirmed ok by the company I bought the AOD from.



Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
For some reason the stock C4 yoke is a couple of inches too long, and the splines on the inside of the C4 yoke do not begin for the first two or so inches inside of the yoke. It seems that the stock yoke may work if I shorten it, but as it is only a small portion of the splined area inside of the yoke would engage with the splines on the transmission output shaft. I have the tube within a tube type of shaft, but have another one peice shaft the same length out of a 65 four speed top loader car that can be shortened if needed. The tube within a tube seems impossible to shorten. The transmission (AOD) was from an 89 GT Mustang but seems to have the same "short tailshaft" as most passenger cars. Hope to locate a "short" yoke for the AOD and then maybe the driveshaft will be correct. The C4 yoke from U-joint centerline to the tip of the yoke is about eight inches long. Anybody know what that measurement is on the AOD driveshaft?

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I would get an 89 AOD yoke and use your one piece drive shaft. I had a tube within a tube and gave it away for my application.

Any good drive shaft shop should be able to match up the proper u joints.



Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Using the 89 AOD yoke is my plan, but I do not have an 89 AOD yoke and was trying to locate it at the salvage yards in this area. I imagine that this yoke is common to other Ford applications, but no one seems to know what those applications are. So if someone knew what interchanged with that yoke and what specific vehicle it fit maybe one of the "yards" would have it locally. When I ask for an 89 Mustang front yoke they just say "nope' we have none" and the conversation ends. If for example I knew that an 84 crown vic used the same yoke then I think the chances would be far better to find the needed part. They appear not to catalog items as small as that yoke but most have driveshafts tagged or identified, so knowing what cars or truck used that particular yoke will help in the search. I have never even seen the yoke that is needed nor have any measurements to help ID it. In kind of a pickle! Tried Google with several different terms to no avail, found a Spicer # 2-3-8341x is a yoke for a Ford AOD with 1310 u-joints but can not find anybody who lists that part (that PN was in an article in Hemmings about an AOD swap). So far hitting a brick wall at every turn. Any ideas?

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I would call Stan Johnson at Ford Powertrain Applications.


Be sure to mention my name! Not!!! Just kidding! He has helped me many times and makes the best headers for fitment for your Mustang project. Tour his site!

By the way Arlie he is partners with Randalls Rack. The place I would buy my rack and pinion conversion from!!! Would you buy me one please!!!

