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. Beware when selling car. Stolen Mustang


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Yesterday, October 9th, 2013 a victim called into a local Law Enforcement agency in Sacramento, Ca. reporting his flat black 1967 Mustang (no details on the car) was stolen out of his driveway between the hours of 0200-0700. He had advertised the car for sale and had made arrangements for a potential buyer to see the car at his residence. The person who was coming to see the car said he was coming from San Jose, Ca. The potential buyer is now the prime suspect.

According to officers, an old ruse has resurfaced where the potential buyers contact the seller and ascertain where the car is and during the night, boost the car.

These creeps are literally shopping for cars to steal on the internet and then just help themselves if the car is left outside. Beware not to give your address to potential buyers if selling your beloved muscle or classic car. Meet the buyer in a safe place.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2012
To avoid spammers, and to get a traceable contact, in your advertisement you should require the interested party to reply by email and include a valid phone number by which you can contact them. Do not include any contact information other than, perhaps, your email address when you advertise. Better still is when you advertise on Craigslist you have the option to keep your real email address hidden. State in your ad that you will only reply to inquires that contain a phone number in the response.

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Thefts ...

It's amazing how brazen some of these auto thieves can be.
Here in Victoria there is a "pull off" and parking area right off the main Island Highway that runs up and down Vancouver Island. Since there is a lot of traffic passing by that spot all day long going in both directions it is very common practice for people to leave cars, trucks, boats and RV's parked in that area with big "For Sale" signs posted on them with their contact info.
Well yesterday some enterprising thieves took it upon themselves to steal a full sized, "pusher" style bus motor-home that was parked there and offered for sale and valued at about $150,000! Although traffic was typically heavy past that spot all day long nobody really noticed since there are people looking at the "For Sale" vehicles parked there all the time. The big problem is that most owners with vehicles that are parked there for sale don't stay with their vehicles all day long, and commonly come back to pick them up later in the day or on their way home from work. Well that just cost one owner an expensive RV!
I'll watch the local news over the next few days and see if they recover it, since they'd have to hide somewhere here on the Island or chance taking it across on our Ferry system to get it to the mainland. If they took it across on the Ferry yesterday after they stole it there are security cameras covering the entire Ferry terminal that should have captured them on camera ...
I feel sorry for the owners of the RV, but I guess you shouldn't leave an expensive RV parked like that with no supervision!