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Cali Special Represented


Apr 16, 2008
City of Angels
hey ya'll ... it was a helluva weekend - MOCC Mustangs in the Park at Woodley Park - not only bec. it was about 100 degrees in the shade, but i got to truly represent the late model california special ... i took 1st place in the 2005 - up convertible - factory stock class... :rofl::thumb: ...

here's some pics i gotta share:

Mustangs In The Park


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Thanks for sharing!! Wow 2 GT350 Hertz Rent A Racers?? Soweet. How much was that little fixer upper with minor cosmetic work selling for? :wink:


Awesome, WYCK!!

...and having a black car adds 20 degrees to the already 100-plus!

I think that showing a late model still invloves detailing and making sure that everything is right. It's not easy.

Good on ya! :)

Paul N.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
excellent pics, and congtaulations on you and your black GT/CS. I just missed seeing my first one like your tonight. Just met him as we were leaving, as it had been a long day for me and my friend, as this was her first ever car show and first time she has riden in a convertible in a very long time. A friend of the GT/CS converible owner said he was putting row bars on his and other things. I hope I get a chance to see it someday and take pictures to pass along. Here are the pictures I took tonight.


  • Car show at Moville, Iowa  June25, 08 0012.JPG
    Car show at Moville, Iowa June25, 08 0012.JPG
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  • Car show at Moville, Iowa  June25, 08 0022.JPG
    Car show at Moville, Iowa June25, 08 0022.JPG
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  • Car show at Moville, Iowa  June25, 08 0033.JPG
    Car show at Moville, Iowa June25, 08 0033.JPG
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  • Car show at Moville, Iowa  June25, 08 0044.JPG
    Car show at Moville, Iowa June25, 08 0044.JPG
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  • Car show at Moville, Iowa  June25, 08 0055.JPG
    Car show at Moville, Iowa June25, 08 0055.JPG
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