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Car Cover


Mar 9, 2007
Newtown Pennsylvania
Does anybody know of a good car cover? I have 07 GT/CS convertible that is kept outside. I live just north of Philadelphia and we got hit by a big storm last night. I bought a car cover from Ford and it pretty much blew off the front of the car and I had to take it off last night so the front of it would stop hitting the hood.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
I've bought a number of covers from california car cover.

Never have had a problem. Heavy Duty and have used them in all kinds of weather ... freezing, snow, rain, wind, etc ...

I got the Noah since I needed it for some outside usage as well as indoors.

If you are going to use it outside and anticipate wind, invest in the cable and lock. A few times I would've lost the cover if it wasn't locked down.

Their site has a page to pick the cover based on your usage.

The also fit like a glove around the mirrors, spoilers, etc ...