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Carlisle show


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
;D I knew that I won two awards and when I drove by the bleachers they announced that I was a triple award winner . I only got two awards so I thought that they made a mistake Well I got the other trophy in the mail today.It was Mustang Monthly, Editor's Choice listing as best in vintage Mustangs. The first award was Second in the 68 Mustangs overall. The other one was by Dave Zimmerman, AACA/Mustang Club of America.
8) :D ;)


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
[quote author=hcsstang link=board=1;threadid=1827;start=0#msg11850 date=1119543797]
;D I knew that I won two awards and when I drove by the bleachers they announced that I was a triple award winner . I only got two awards so I thought that they made a mistake Well I got the other trophy in the mail today.It was Mustang Monthly, Editor's Choice listing as best in vintage Mustangs. The first award was Second in the 68 Mustangs overall. The other one was by Dave Zimmerman, AACA/Mustang Club of America.
8) :D ;)

Cool, way to go!!! That's awesome that you were not only recognized once, but three times!! Great way to get recognition for the GT/CS and HCS Mustangs ;D