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. Carroll Shelby tribute on Wednesday night at 6:55 pm (PST)

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Hi all!

Just wondered if you'd heard about this upcoming tribute to Carroll Shelby yet? "Team Shelby" is organizing a massive worldwide salute to Carroll Shelby this coming Wednesday night at 6:55 pm and will be gathering Shelby's, Mustangs (and any other cars) and they will "rev them up" in honour of the man. Our local Mustang club is meeting out at the Elk Lake parking lot just outside of Victoria about 6:30 and will be taking part in this. (Our club president drives a Shelby convertible) Is anyone else from this website going to be involved in this tribute?


Al & Laurie (aka GT/CS S Code)

From Team Shelby -

We would like you to join us in celebrating the life of the American legend and our friend Carroll Hall Shelby. On Wednesday May 30th, at 6:55 PDT Shelby owners and fans will be gathering across the world for the “Rev Your Shelby” salute. A live broadcast from the Peterson Museum in Los Angeles will be starting around 6:55 pm PDT to countdown and commemorate the event. We will be posting the link for the live broadcast in a few days here on Team Shelby. There will also be “Rev Your Shelby” gatherings at Shelby World Headquarters in Las Vegas as well as locations around the country. For those wanting to participate in their local area please visit TeamShelby.com or see below as locations are being coordinated. For those that cannot attend please start your engines at 6:55 pm PDT for the salute to Carroll Shelby. Stay tuned for more locations and check in at ShelbyAmerican.com and TeamShelby.com for the countdown and webcast link.


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GT/CS S Code

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
Our local gathering ...

We had 9 cars from our local Mustang club meet tonight for the Shelby "Rev Up Your Engine" Tribute. Would have liked to have seen a larger turnout, but unfortunately here in Victoria it rained fairly hard and a lot of folks just didn't want to get their cars wet!