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1968 Catastrophe...for me


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
So, today was the day of reckoning whereby I took my car in for an engine shampoo and an inspection of fluid leaks......it's NOT good. Looks like I'm headed towards a total engine re-seal with more yet...water pump, timing chain etc etc etc. My whole winter's work of setting aside money is blown in 1 visit to garage!!

Here'a a PARTIAL list of fluid leaks (I couldn't write fast enough to get them down as mechanic talked to me over phone)
-Rad, bypass valves and "T's"
Power steering pump and assist
-Timing cover
-Oil pan

and more :(

Guess that trip to California last summer did some pretty good finishing off of a number of seals and gaskets!!!

And now, i await the wily "head mechanic's" math job. (Insert sad face here!)



Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
You can always look at this as an opportunity. Are you planning to rebuild the engine/transmission? A reseal of the engine will not be cheap, but maybe this would be the time to have the mechanic go over it all while replacing the gaskets. Even if it only need a freshening, better to pay for pulling it apart once instead of twice. While the engine/transmission are out, you could strip and repaint the engine bay.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I wish you were much closer so I could help you out. I know you were willing to drive down and stay, but the cost of that trip would outweigh any cost savings by coming my way.

What to you call leak? All these cars drip to some degree. The oil and tranny leaks are common and as long as you stay up on the fluids, they are normally not a huge problem.

Clean you garage floor and get the car good and hot and let it sit over night. Then take a picture of what you see on the floor. From the front of the car looking back. I can tell what is leaking by looking at the pattern on the floor. Cardboard will soak up the oil and I cannot tell how much is on the floor like cement will.

Not sure what the radiator bypass vale and "t's" are? If it is the thermostat bypass hose then by all means get that addressed. Do you have a "t" in the heater hose for flushing? That needs to be addressed.

Radiators, radiator and heater hoses, and heater cores are the most concern. They can burst and that is catastrophic. Same with gas lines and the power steering pump hoses. But engine oil, tranny leaks, and a drip from the PS pump are not going to burst on you. If you take trips, just keep up on the fluid levels in these three items. Certainly it is a bit embarrassing to go to a show and leave a pond of oil in your parking spot, but all of these cars drip a bit. I run 5/20 Royal Purple in my engines and they drip a little bit.

If your coolant hoses, PS hoses, and rubber fuel lines are good all should be fine for you to drive. Save up you bucks like stangfan says and then do a total rebuild.

Let us see a pic of the leaks on your floor.



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
@ Steve: My money and/or wife's line of patience/credit won't likely extend that far!!!

@Robert: Me too. It wasn't the cost savings so much as a knowledgeable mechanic who knows exactly what to zero in on!


I can try and get a pic in next little while but I've decided to leave it at garage until next Monday so that garage owner can look at it.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
Victoria BC Canada
I guess my response to this is to try to spin it to a positive. In my case, the GT/CS was sold to me as "mint". I ended up redoing everything the PO had done and more. The end result, while expensive, has transformed the car into my ideal. Another good result is that I know that everything is now in top shape and only needs to be maintained.

I know that not everyone looks at things the same way. Just trying to lighten your catastrophe somewhat.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Just remember all these old Fords have a drip or two. The items I mentioned and the fan and PS belts are the items that I would zero in on. I bet your car will run just fine and not strand you anywhere!

We all want dependable cars that we know can leave tomorrow for "New York", but in reality they all need a careful eye. For very long trips I pack tools and some known items such as belts, points and condenser if I am running a Pertronix, and of course gray tape, wire, and some hose clamps. A couple gallons of coolant and some tranny fluid and engine oil.

This reminds me why I don't drive far!!! And always have a cell phone with you!!



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
@Steve: I'm not despondent...just saddened by degree and depth of potential "fix it" list. I had saved all winter but it looks far more extensive than that and that's what makes it a tough sell to spouse. :undecided

@Rob: sounds like my trip to Calif: trunk was half full of "in case" items: oil, coolant, tranny fluid, tools, belts, paper towels etc....

I'll keep you posted but its gonna be a rude awakening. Was thinking of driving car to Mt. Rushmore with daughter this summer. We'll see...was hoping to find remnants of the City of Gold from National Treasure movie!! :rolleyes:
