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Christmas trees..............whatcha got?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
Ok, so I like to do things a little over the top. This year I got a 17 foot Christmas tree. Most people who see it are somewhat speechless. The ceiling in this room is 18 feet. We should be finished decorating it today.



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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Wow!... 'Biggest I ever had was a 12-footer when I lived in an old Victorian house in Grass Valley. Usually do 6' to 8' trees now. The good news Jason is that after Christmas - you could proboably take that tree to a sawmill and "recycle" it into another garage! ;-)


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Jason that tree makes me think of a tree we got a few years back. We had just moved into our newly remodeled home with a 2 story living room. So we went and cut this huge tree. It was enormous! We didn't have a ladder tall enough to decorate the top. We had a really hard time just getting it in the house and getting it to stay up. There were beetles all over the room coming from the tree. I was expecting birds next! Well, it fell a few days in the house and took out everything on the mantle. My youngest took shelter under the coffee table. We cut it in half and still had a nice big tree.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
My biggest tree was at least 15 feet. I am nearly six feet tall and I stood on my tip toes on the top of the six foot ladder...you know the part where it says DO NOT STAND on it? Then I was reeeeeaaally stretching to put that topper on it. I stick to eight footers now. Sheesh, I had to buy a bazillion more lights and decorations for the big tree.
Jason cheated...he stood on the top of the stairs.