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CS on ebay


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
This one really bugs me. It has the correct grill and foglights but also has the running horse emblem on the fender. On the other hand the hood holes look correct. I wish we could see the driver side front fender to see if it also has a running horse. If it is real, and it has both running horse emblems how does someone wreck both fenders but not the grille or the hood?

If you read the Q&A the stripes were painted on and someone thinks the VIN is too high to be a CS. One person questioned the validity of the car and got a fairly ignorant and rude answer in reply.

I don't think the Kansas DSO is a problem but I'm not sure. Kanasa is west of Missouri and KC is a valid DSO.

If I were interested in purchasing the car I would get a basic Marti report from the VIN just to make sure. It would probably be money well spent. Most of the hard-to-fake things are there but something is wrong, very, very wrong.

Does anyone know if VIN 8R01C 167498 is too high?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I'd agree with the horse emblem being odd but everything else looks to be in order and it looks like a really nice car. Sure makes you wonder why the horse emblems/emblem is on there?
