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1968 Deluxe vs. Standard Interior


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
After a lengthy hiatus, I am ready to send my 68 GT/CS to the body shop for some rust repairs and painting. The body shop person told me that it might be better replace the driver side door than to fix the rust spots. I tried finding a standard door but had no luck finding an original one in decent shape. The shop that worked on my engine/tranny has several deluxe ones available, but no standard interior ones.

The marti on my car shows standard interior and I am trying to keep it as much original as possible but wouldn't mind upgrading to deluxe interior. I love what Neil did with his last project.

Does it hurt the value if I deviate from the standard interior? I do have a spare NOS instrument bezel, woodgrain steering cover, and a very good used woodgrain overhead console. Are the other parts hard to come by either NOS or used ones in good shape?

Also, did the deluxe cars automatically come with a center console? Besides door trim panel, bezels, and seat cover are there any other difference on a deluxe version? I googled it but couldn't find a clear answer.



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
If you wish to adhere to the Marti Report, then originality is the answer.
The changes that I make are correct for the year & model, which I consider as upgrades.

I'm not quite clear on your statement concerning the Deluxe door.
The doors are all the same. The interior door panels differ, and a car the had the Deluxe interior door panel will likely have the cutouts at the bottom for a speaker & courtesy light, which are then covered with a grille.

Also, cost is a factor:
$158 Deluxe door panels
$137 Lower grilles
$ 90 Door straps, end caps, woodgrain inserts, door strap reinforcements
$128 Deluxe armrests (I don't use these- I think they're ugly):embarass:
About $500+/- total
And if you want a Deluxe steering wheel, add another $600+/-.

This is the Deluxe interior in Gold that I did a couple years ago. Note the Standard armrests, and I did not cut the lower door for speakers/courtesy lights. Just installed the grilles.

Hope this helps (Or thoroughly discourages you). :undecided



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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Lower console was not part of the deluxe interior. Believe the upper was part of the option.

+1 on all of Neil's points....

In addition you may need the wiring to the door lights and lights, added costs. If you go stereo, then speakers too... both require cutting doors. I added a deluxe to my EXP but left off the lower grilles as I did not want to cut/drill the OEM doors. Only did reversible mods. (looking into a magnetic solution, a series of neodymium magnets may hold the grille in place, but have not worked on that project yet).

If you do add the upper console it "can" be installed with the headliner in, but its far easier if its done pre-headliner, not sure where your car interior is at "completeness wise", so maybe a consideration if already done and driving...


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Are you talking about replacing the actual door or the interior panels that mount to the door? The doors are the same.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
Thanks everyone for the info. Neil, once again I am so impressed with your work that I am really thinking of taking the plunge and upgrade to deluxe interior. I love what you did with the interior.

Anyways, I was told the doors were different and I didn't realize until now that only the interior panel is different. I do need an new outer door shell since there are couple of large bubble spots in the existing door. I would prefer to stick with an original used door...

dalorzo_f, thanks for the tip about the headliner. Yes, most of the interior needs to redone, including headliner. My existing headliner is in great shape except for a minor hole so I have no choice but to replace it.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
They cut my rust out on the corner of the doors and welded new pieces in. Is it that bad?

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
+1 on what Big Jim said.

The door exterior is the same, but the interior is standard or deluxe.

Unless there is something I've missed.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I agree with Neil, deluxe interior all the way.


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