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1968 Doors


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Does anyone know what process Ford used to get the unique texture/pattern on the interior side metal surface of the doors?

I kept my original doors because I wasn't sure if the repops would have it, but I had to do some work on them and lost that pattern in a few spots.

I doubt whether it could be re-done but maybe someine knows?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I think someone recently came out with a spray that kinda sorta matches it.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Not 100% sure, but believe it was stamped into the steel before forming the panels. Replicating is pretty much impossible. Any crinkle or other paint may get close but in areas like on the upper part of the door where folks rest their arm it will get worn eventually (as the OEM paint does).

Depending on where the area is a reapair can be hard to spot. The PO on my 68 convertible cut two 4" speaker holes right below the window handles. I had my shop patch it with flat steel and painted. No one has noticed, and you have to look pretty hard to spot it as its an out-of-the-way place. If its a more exposed area it will be more obvious.

I have heard of folks applying paint and stippling with a dry brush to get a pattern, but again almost impossible to match the original look.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Here is the best repair method I know. Spread some RTV out on a undamaged area of the door let it cure for a day. Spray some primer fill coat on the repar area only. Let it tack a bit. Then Take the RTV off the door and press it in to the filler and pull off cleanly. This is a one shot deal mess it up and you will need to start all over. Best of luck Marty


Active member
May 29, 2010
Tustin Ca. 92780
Yes the texture aka sierra grain is stamped in the metal. Its best if you are repainting a good door is to have the inside of the door media blasted clean with baking soda or any soft material that will not heat up or damage the metal. Then primer and paint with light coats that will not fill in the grain. If the door is still on the car and or you cannot get it blasted then use paint stripper and steel wool NEVER EVER use sandpaper, sanders or grinders as they will remove the metal and you will permanently loose the grain. And then your Mustang will look like crap. This also goes for the rear interior quarter panels.