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1968 Engine not level


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
I replaced the motor mounts in my GT/CS (with Lakewood Muscle Motor Mounts). After I finished, the driver's side of the engine was ~1/4" lower than the passenger side - a very visible tilt when the air cleaner is on. I checked the distances from the ground to the attach points of the mounts on the subframe/body structure and there is no difference so I don't think its any issue with the structure of the car.
Questions I have are:
(1) Whether its possible for the engine not to have "settled" correctly between the mounts? (I'm imagining the engine sitting in a sort of a "V" but slightly canted to one side).
(2) Is it possible that the rubber of one motor mount is just compressed more than the other?
(3) Is there any way to loosen everything up and "jostle" it a bit to get it centered?

What I did temporarily was just add some washers to level the engine out but I'd prefer to get it level on its own.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
West Coast Classic Cougar (WCCC) has a couple videos: "Best & Worst Parts". One addresses motor mounts. Worth a watch. Talk to Scott @ WCCC. He can probably help.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I was not familiar with that brand of engine mounts, so I googled them.
Clicked the Summit link and immediately found the 1968 Ford small block mount.

The one, and only customer feedback pretty much explains it....

Not my first rodeo with replacing motor mounts on a car. Left side was a perfect fit. Right side not even close. Removed them, tossed them back in the box. Took my old mounts (Ford OE) and put them back on. No surprise, the fit was perfect. I've got them drilled and bolted together like a sandwich AND they fit, so I'm done now. Not real impressed with Lakewood Muscle Mounts though....


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
Did you try leaving a little air out of the right side tires? :grin:
Sorry, couldn't resist.