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Good Ford book from torino club

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
quite a while ago I saw an advertisment for a book the coved the engineering changes to the different engines offered by ford in the early 1960 to 1969. the book is called ( mustang & ford small block V8 1962 to 1969) Volumn 1 & 2 by Bob Mannel ISBN is 099627410-3 736 pages of valable information gathered from Ford and orginal untouched cars .
contact www.fordsmallblock.com or call 423-245-6678.
A good addition to any ford library.
Bob Geco
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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
I can personally vouch for this book. It's really the "bible" as far as small block Fords go. I own a 1968 Mustang GT coupe, J-code 302 with C4 (non-original drivetrain currently). I reference this book probably 2-3 times a week. The engine that is eventually going in my car is stored in Maryland at a family member's home. We used the book this past week while I was there to verify original part numbers for that engine. It's an extremely valuable resourse and I recommend it highly.



Apr 16, 2006
I know Bob, and have this book. It is exceptional, and a must have if you are a Ford small block person. There is *tons* of information in the book - totally worth the money


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
This is a "must have" book for anyone restoring a SBF engine or car with a SBF. Like others have said I use it frequently and have learned a lot from the book.
