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GT/CS Book Status / Update



Aug. 16 Update...

Just a quick update...

As of today, I have just over 150 Marti Reports for the '68 GT/CS cars in the registry. Those that have sent me copies of their Marti Reports will have a notation of doing so in the Registry. THANK YOU to everyone who sent them.

I'm currently working on a flier that will go out before the end of the month. It will detail the progress of the book, and one more appeal to those who haven't ordered to please do, since I am kinda short for $$ to print the book (for those who ordered another book or two, my sincerest thank you goes out to you!!!!! ). I will also give a timeline for those who sent in half the amount--when the balance is due, just before the printing (some of you have graciously already sent that in, and I greatly appreciate your support in doing so).

I will also be listing on this flier my GT/CS (8R01S156904) for sale...at a price of "best offer over..." Part of the $ from the sale of my CS will go towards the book's printing.

I also have secured the liability insurance required for the Ford license...from a great insurance guy--Ron Murray in San Jose, CA. Ron owns a '68 GT/CS. he saved me about $1,200 from a previous bid. Thanks, RON!!!!

Paul N.