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GT/CS "limo" duty ....

GT/CS S Code

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2007
Victoria, B.C., Canada
This last Sunday I drove down to our local helicopter shuttle service landing pad and picked up local area celebrity “Red Robinson”, a Vancouver DJ and TV personality that flew over to help induct a fellow DJ and old musician friend of his into the 'Victoria Music Hall of Fame". The organizer of the event was an old high school buddy of mine and he telephoned me last week and asked if I could please “chauffeur” Red to and from his event in our GT/CS Mustang. He figured what could possibly be any better than driving “Red” Robinson over to the show in a “red” 68 Mustang? I agreed of course, and promised to pick him up and deliver him safely to and from the event.
What a nice gentleman, very entertaining to chat with, and he thoroughly enjoyed his ride in the “hot rod” Mustang. He related an interesting story about how he was on a job related trip to LA in mid 1964 and saw the "brand new" Mustang displayed at a car dealership down there. When he returned to Vancouver he had a local Ford dealership that he had been doing some radio advertising for order him the very first Mustang that was shipped into British Columbia, Canada! Pity that he didn't keep that early production car ...

You can read a little bit more about him on his “About Red” page on his website if you want to at "redrobinson.com"


GT/CS S Code


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