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GT/CS pedal car website



Not a pedal car

These cars are Gas or electric powered (this one is gas) not pedal pushers.
I still have the factory body molds for the 65-66 Mustang Junior but not the 67. I suppose you could get the same shop that made the 68 California special to make another one with a 65-66 body?
but the 67s are very hard to come by as are all of the originals!
I have a 67 body in a crate ready to ship to Norway as soon as some more parts arrive but that is the only one I had.
Here are some movies of my old (original 67) Mustang JR you might enjoy? www.jrcentral.com/movies
Lee Exline
Owner of www.jrcentral.com


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Unregistered said:
These cars are Gas or electric powered (this one is gas) not pedal pushers.
I still have the factory body molds for the 65-66 Mustang Junior but not the 67. I suppose you could get the same shop that made the 68 California special to make another one with a 65-66 body?
but the 67s are very hard to come by as are all of the originals!
I have a 67 body in a crate ready to ship to Norway as soon as some more parts arrive but that is the only one I had.
Here are some movies of my old (original 67) Mustang JR you might enjoy? www.jrcentral.com/movies
Lee Exline
Owner of www.jrcentral.com

Pretty sweet Lee, sounds awesome.
