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GT/CS Restoration video


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
First of all I want to say if this were legit I'd buy one, but from the replies, somethings not right here.

This person reminds me of another person who tried to sell GT/CS specific parts last year.
Same defensive attitude, I seriously doubt anyone who frequents this site has purchased this disk or anyone else for that matter or we would know about it. Our circle is too tight not to know about this "wonder disk"

I don't mind saying it, "take a hike” if this is how you want to do business. 99% of the info you are trying to sell us is already available for reference or purchase from reputable sources.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2002
Nice try on the CATIA jab, my company actually puts me on programs that last, Durango, Pacifica, Town and Country and yes, it is all interior and exterior plastic trim. However I would be just as proud if it were BIW. Any good designer takes pride in his work not what he's working on, unfortunately that point often gets lost in the inflated ego of pompous asses.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
I for one read this thread for the humor value.
No reputable salesman would ever treat a possible fleet sales oportunity with flippant dissregard of knowledge and disrespect to persons as this individual has.
It should be quite clear to all this person is selling garbage, if he has a product at all.
I believe this individual is the type that wishes to cause a stir and no more.
My two cents.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
just an FYI the price being asked is $150. I agree with all here that without a review that is $150 I can use to buy Paul's new GT/CS book when he gets around to doing it!


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
[quote author=dbeal link=board=3;threadid=1251;start=15#msg7253 date=1103580302]
just an FYI the price being asked is $150. I agree with all here that without a review that is $150 I can use to buy Paul's new GT/CS book when he gets around to doing it!

Well said. I to would rather spend the money on something that is already proven to be worth it's weight in gold. Besides, many of the things that he mentions that are in his so called restoration video I already have access to. I have a local restoration shop (very reputable), an engine shop/body shop of which both are always avaliable with either advice and or help if it is needed. Since I buy the majority of my parts from both, these items are there with very little or no cost to me since I am allowed to do the majority of the work myself. Not to mention the experience I have gained by being allowed the hands on approach. As said by "BISH" earlier, this person needs to pedal his wares elsewere.

Don :p


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
I have been viewing this thread for a few days now and can stay silent no longer.
I have been in the body shop business for over 15 years. In that time, I have restored enough basket case mustangs to fill a car lot.
The truth is...... any information this video may provide can be obtained by any experienced restorer,library,on line, or body shop. A mustang is a mustang is a mustang! In my business there are no special secrets to building a GT/CS or any other car for that matter. You can take any $9.00 restoration video and apply it to building your CS.
I would be more than happy to answer any questions or advise you on restoring your CS. And I will only charge you guys a 6 pack of Bud, not $150.00 !!
This is my reality!


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
ya what a dope! if i was selling a video i would have no problem sending it to someone like Paul or Bob, with there knowledge put together over the years and the creation of Paul's to books, having them put the ok on the video would give me the confidence that i was buying a excellent video, but for the price tag of 150 tho? thats a little steep, i can maybe see as much as 50.00 bucks.

But quicknick is right, you can go and buy a mustang resto video for cheap and aply the same rules to any mustang!


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Would it be possible that the seller of the vidio mentioned in this post is the same person who about one year ago annoyed everyone with various things he was making such as grilles, graphics ect. The writing style rings a bell but cannot quite put my finger on it. There were several confrontational posts here from the same person and he finally went away I guess. Cannot remember his forun name but some of you will remember who i am talking about. Could this be one and the same? Murf


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2002
i believe it was something like dallas shelby guy, or something like that. hmmmm "hotrod69DFW"....... DFW.. isn't that the airport code for Dallas Fort Worth? i could be wrong!


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Real close Tom,

It was "mrshelbydallas" that wore out his welcome here some time back.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
Talan, :D yes you are right on the Dallas Fort Worth (DFW)!

Will i would say if it the same guy and if he is sending from the same IP Address the Admin could just ban him from coming back! ;D


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Contrary to some of the opinion I'd say this guy (the same as mrshelbydallas or not) has held up his composure fairly well by resisting making boligerant attacks, he has poked at a few comments but we've been equally poking at him. If you read most of his posts they are fairly polite and contain very little boligerance.

I just can't belive he doesn't want to sell his product. :eek:

And I'd agree that it would have to be something fantastic to pay $150 for it. Guess we'll never know unless we have a sucker aboard with more money than they know what to do with. Won't be me that's for sure.



Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
I agree that it sounds like our friend from the past, but if so, he is a patient and courteous fellow. The responses we have given him range from "safe and sane" to belligerent (sp?), and he still doesn't vent...

If he really wants to sell us the video, then he should take us up on the offer. If not, then we don't buy.

Personally, I have never had one question which could not be answered by the knowledgeable friends at this site. Does it mean I wouldn't be interested in this video? NO... but it does mean that I would not be willing to pay this much for a video if I can get the same information for free just by asking the question to the rest of you. Just my thoughts on the subject. ::)


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I'm currently in the middle of building an HO scale train layout for my son with mountains, rivers, tunnels and cities. I actually built a building for the project. I joined several train forums on the net and they are a wealth of information answering every question I've had with a variety of answers all of which have helped immensly. I also purchased a DVD on how to do scenic layout and I'd say even though the information is priceless from the forum there is nothing like being able to DVD yourself right to the section you want (no fast forward or rewinding) and watch it done time and time again so you get it right.

Cost was $23 and there are several hours on the DVD.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
[quote author=hookedtrout link=board=3;threadid=1251;start=30#msg7277 date=1103696540]
I'd say even though the information is priceless from the forum there is nothing like being able to DVD yourself right to the section you want (no fast forward or rewinding) and watch it done time and time again so you get it right.

Cost was $23 and there are several hours on the DVD.


Hook you said it the words right there man!!!!!! ;D


Oct 20, 2004
Hey Guys!
Thanks for all the interest in my product in both e-mail and comment form. I am very excited from your collective enthusiasm for the video series. The total length of the DVDS is just over 4 hours. Keep the feedback and orders coming!
I'm very happy that some of you brought the video VS. other sources comparison up. I agree that videos offer something special. Videos allow the user to observe a step by step verfiable process that anyone can follow. Books, or buying a "shadetree mechanic" :p a 6 pack in exchange for some "flawed" information just doesn't relay information that a restoration expert can in a video.
I'm glad that the majority of you agree with this. Please feel free to expand on my ideas of the advantages of Video Vs. Other sources. I would be happy to hear contrasting or otherwise questionable information or ideas.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
[quote author=hotrod69dfw link=board=3;threadid=1251;start=30#msg7279 date=1103708578]
Hey Guys!
Thanks for all the interest in my product in both e-mail and comment form. I am very excited from your collective enthusiasm for the video series. The total length of the DVDS is just over 4 hours. Keep the feedback and orders coming!
I'm very happy that some of you brought the video VS. other sources comparison up. I agree that videos offer something special. Videos allow the user to observe a step by step verfiable process that anyone can follow. Books, or buying a "shadetree mechanic" :p a 6 pack in exchange for some "flawed" information just doesn't relay information that a restoration expert can in a video.
I'm glad that the majority of you agree with this. Please feel free to expand on my ideas of the advantages of Video Vs. Other sources. I would be happy to hear contrasting or otherwise questionable information or ideas.

LOL!!!!! The only thing we agree with is that no one from this site has purchased the video as near as we can tell. If they have they must be really really embarassed that they wasted their money because they aren't admitting it. Near as we can tell no one from this site intends to purchase the video! And no one can believe how blind you are to simple sales basics. Throwing away dollars to save pennies.

You have avoided our questions and concerns by tap dancing around the issues. For example what makes you think you are a restoration expert? I have no prof of that what so ever, in fact I don't even have a slight indication that you know anything about restoration. Where's your credentials, put them on the table.

Good luck man you drive a hard bargain. Probably have better luck selling sand to a stranded traveler in the Sahara. No way on earth I'm buying this used car without a test drive!

And if anyone bought one speak up. We'd love to hear a review. Still waiting.......................

Cheap entertainment keeping up with the post however! Carry on! ::) ::) ::)



Active member
Nov 12, 2004
Daly City, Ca
This is turning into an entertaining post but I think hotrod69dfw has to accept the fact that without a review from a long time member of this site no one will buy. I also wonder where else this vid was advertised if it sold out so quickly with apparently no one from this forum purchasing. If there actually were sales then at least one went to a member or at least a visitor here. If so tell us, even if it was a rip-off we need to hear! I've been ripped before, I'll admit. I was warned to stay away from taiwanese fenders but I bought two and now I have a 1/4 inch gap between the headlight buckets and the fenders! Live and learn I guess but we have to protect ourselves so we don't make the same mistake twice. Also this post is getting repetitious so maybe we should let it fade away if there's going to be no review from ANYBODY, even a newer member. Just my opinion though.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
The guys and I here in the shop are enjoying huge belly laugh after reading this jokers last post.
I think I was just accused of being a "shadetree mechanic"!
My licenses, certifications, awards, and other credentials fill 3 walls of this place.
Careful guys, I don't know much about cars and may give you some "flawed" information.
Please make it stop, my sides are splitting! :D :D :D


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2003
I said it sound like this hotrod guy has a BS Degree Bull$hyting people!!!! ;D i say just ban him from this site, well i would ban his ip if it was my site, i wouldnt put up with this type of crap w/o some type of proof from a review from the video.

Just sounds like some type a fraud deal going on.