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HyVee's 2008 car show/benifit


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
Ok. I have been telling you all about the benifit that I was adding to the car show at HyVee's at the mall in Sioux City ,Iowa. Yes Saturday was another hot one, but there was a great turn out never the less. I am passing along some pictures and was nice to have a member of a car club I belong to, the Blackmustang Club. With all the events and those that have to work, I know I would had more, after all this is summer. I had some donations to this event. All those that brought there vehicle got a free meal,drinks, by Sample, and small gift as well as discount on gas to the car show. I sold tickets on items to raise money for National Children's Cancer Society, of which helps childrens family with various expenses, as we know Cancer dosen't let us know of it's presents most times. One is never prepared for this, not in a million years. I dedcated this in honer of Sky Smith that had a brain tumor, and in some way is connected to Blackmustang Club, Her Mommy inspired me to do something for Children's Cancer this year. Ok, I will explain a few of the pictures the first one is Bob and me by the banner donated by HyVee's ,# 77 is Bob with his tickets he purchased, and 033 is Bob and his black Mustang and his friend and his special painted Cobra. Oh by the way they had face painting as well as wall climbing. By the way can anyone find my GT/CS. close enough so I can keep an eye on it. HRG


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    2008-HyVee's car show-cancer benifit for NCCS-BMC 0077.JPG
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    2008-HyVee's car show-cancer benifit for NCCS-BMC 00555.JPG
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    2008-HyVee's car show-cancer benifit for NCCS-BMC 0033.JPG
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Nice pics, looks like you had a good turnout and all for such a great cause.