Thanks, Russ for all your help and input. I appreciate all your support, and for "sticking up" for the GT/CS (and congrats on your MM article!!)
I think that because the GT/CS is a regional Mustang, it has a difficult time being accepted in the South.
When MCA says that they base their rules in Ford Documentation, it makes me cringe, because the Ford paper trail is not always correct. Everything from new car brochures (i.e. 1968 427?), to dealer updates, to the "Ford Parts Book" have mistakes, and are not consistent.
Case in point: MCA at one time said that the Goodyear Polyglas tires are the ONLY tires accepted.... I spoke with a factory worker at the San Jose plant, and he was in charge of tires for the Mustang/Cougar line--and he said that they put on just as many Firestone as Polyglas tires on the Mustang (GT/CS).
For all the work that I have done, I would think that MCA would be thanking me for my work. Not to sound arrogant, but EVERY registry should provide the same detailed info on their marque to MCA--and they in kind should aknowledge that information.
Why can't MCA get it right? Good people take their GT/CS (HCS to shows and they get less respect. The same with Shelby's at Mustang shows.