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Great car and congrats... old cars are like a pendullum thats swings between pleasure and pain - but most of the time the pendullum is on the plesure side!
Took the car home to my Dad's this weekend and it officially was worth every penny.. I was worried at first but after he gave her a little tuning it is perfect. Idle was a little off due to a vacuum hose. Was overheating because of a fricken $10 radiator cap lol. I elated with this car... I love it!
Took the car home to my Dad's this weekend and it officially was worth every penny.. I was worried at first but after he gave her a little tuning it is perfect. Idle was a little off due to a vacuum hose. Was overheating because of a fricken $10 radiator cap lol. I elated with this car... I love it!