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National GT/CS Rescue Squad?



I tried to run some sandpaper on Amy's lighter socket, and it still wouldn't work. I thought the fuse that it shares with the dome light was blown, but the dome light works.

I felt for the connector through the ash tray opening, and yes, it was connected. I didn't have time to do a full blown multi-meter check, but something is just weird with that lighter.

But as I told Amy...all you have to do is get on Highway 5 and "point it and punch it", aimed north, and you won't need a GPS.

I think that the best "hero payment" is to let Ron drive your "Goth Prin-CS"
to you....after all, his is in a resto-non-op-mode, and I think he wants to get that feeling again...and see that spoiler again in the mirror (the one I fixed, yeah..THAT one...). Something tells me that when he gets home that he'll be really going at his CS to get it up and running!!!

Hmmm...your WA. St. lic plate: "GTHPRNCS" ???
(it even has the letters "RN" in it...clever, huh??)

Or the one I like for any state that no one has (yet)...is "C8ZZ CS".

Paul N.