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I wish Aemoo28, MustangJ and any others, belated recognition on National Nurses Day and National Nurses Week. For those of us that seem to end up in the ER more than we should, you are angels. Thank You.
I agree, I personally know several nurses and they're all great people :smile: ... they have a special calling in their lives and it is an honorable one !!! :thumb: ...
Here Here! God bless all of the nurses out there. As some of you know, my wife has been battling breast cancer for the past year and a half. Our lives have been turned upside down with continous surguries, hospital and Dr. office visits. The nurses at our Hospital and Cancer Center are absolute Angels!
We are truly blessed to have these people helping us through this ordeal. They are "REAL" hero's.
Nurses are the best!!!!!!!!!!
I never would have made it through the horrible and traumatic times in my life without the caring nurses that have helped me in so many ways.
Wow, pleasant surprise. I don't come to this forum very often (own a 2007 GTCS). The nice Nurse's Week recognition and praises here are wonderful. As a RN I appreciate it a lot.