Paul, I am with you 100%. I would have loved to have seen all the previously discused styling cues and the valve covers just as you and everyone else spoke of.
However, we (the collective old geezers that feel this way) are obviously missing something. My story:
As I was moving my 19 year old son out of his dorm room at Purdue after he had just completed his freshman year (thank you very much) he was unusaully excited. Me being the naive father assumed it was the fact that he was finished with his first year of engineering school and therefore temporarally finished spending "our" money. No, that was not what had gotten my usually docile youngest in a tizzy. It was his first spotting of a "real" GT 500 Shelby off-campus a couple of days prior. Reminded me of the stories we tell of the first time we saw our "first" Mustang. I have to admit it brought a tear to my eye. Don't get me wrong, he's been exposed to these beautys his whole life, thanks to me. Still, in the past I've heard of his thoughts of purchasing a Focus, a Mustang Convertible, a Honda Civic and even a Pontiac Aztec (ick with a capital I). But this time it was different. He was enthralled. He set his sights on what he wanted when he graduated. He IS bound and determined to own the 2008 (if it exists). I've not seen him get so wrapped-around-the-axle (note: none IRS axle) about a car since, well...ever.
I've just recently retired from the Army. A couple of years ago, some genius who shall remain nameless, though it would be a great idea to have everyone begin wearing the black beret instead of the customary patrol cap for our daily headgear. The vast majority of us in the combat arms were very upset by this. That was, after all, the traditional headgear of the vaunted Army Rangers.
Well, guess who thought it was cool. My son the young PFC...and many of the thousands of young men and women who've joined since. Forget that it's a pain in the a@@ to shave, form, care for and that it takes 3 hands and a mirror to put on properly. It was cool. We can look like a Special Ops soldier without the pain of Airborne school, Ranger training or Special Forces assessment.
MY POINT IS (by now I'm sure you're ready for it :

that this generation doesn't give a rats a@@ about the things we care about in a car. This is what they care about. I'm now in marketing and have had to learn this. Does it make me look cool? Does it hurt the environment? Will people think I am a gamer/player? How many inches of wheel can I stuff under the wheel wells? Is there enough room for expansion of the existing audio/video system (yes, video...more than we realize, much more important than exhaust note or rated HP at the rear axle, they can by a chip to give it even more power, for now). Is the stereo MP3 capable?By driving this vehicle, will I be the MAN/WOMAN? Will chics (dudes for Rhonda)dig it? IRS, yeah OK whatever. Valve covers with SVT or Shelby? Ahhh, ha ha (picture Beavis and butthead here). Rear taillights and spoiler? They should look how? Really?!?
Note I did not say "Can I afford it". Not a problem with creative financing for all!!
In the end, I know these things:
1)Marketing does rule the world and they got this car right for that generation (too bad these kids will perish when they get the first insurance quote).
2)Ol' Shel's involvement in this project is in name only. Too bad, too.
3)Thank god he's not this excited about a Honda Insight, Toyota Prious or one of those god awful Scion "boxes on wheels". Sorry if I offend I'm not.
In the end, yes it's a dissappointment to all of the SAAC members and many of us that have waited 30 years for the next real Shelby. It does, however, create another generation of enthusiasts. Uneducated on the merits of "side scoops for rear brake cooling" as they are.
My one question is this. When my kid comes to us to join our clubs because he's as ate up with the Mustang bug as we are will we welcome him in with open arms or will we nit-pick his choice of his "pride and Joy" because it lacks what we think it should have had? I already know the answer to that. Geez, we have 4 banger 74 Mustang II's in our clubs, don't we?!?