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Non factory upgrades - value or devalue??

Pony Paddock

Apr 8, 2023
San Diego
I am looking for opinions. (probably dangerous I realize).

We have have now 5 60s era classic Mustangs and I have always modified them to make them drivable and more safe and fun in general. So I have never been a purest.

However now that I own a more rare GT/CS at least than my other Mustangs.. I am debating with myself if changing things like adding power front disc brakes from original drums (say Wilwoods) adds value or takes it away.

For context the 68 is a Meadowlark Yellow 289 with power steering and a 4 speed top loader but has drum brake on all 4 corners. I wouldn't dare change the interior or original color.. But other changes just make it more drivable. I am adding a 4 barrel for sure. I don't own trailer queens or show cars.. I just like to drive them and enjoy them that way.

Thoughts on doing brakes and carb and radiator upgrades? Adds value or takes the value down?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I am looking for opinions. (probably dangerous I realize).

We have have now 5 60s era classic Mustangs and I have always modified them to make them drivable and more safe and fun in general. So I have never been a purest.

However now that I own a more rare GT/CS at least than my other Mustangs.. I am debating with myself if changing things like adding power front disc brakes from original drums (say Wilwoods) adds value or takes it away.

For context the 68 is a Meadowlark Yellow 289 with power steering and a 4 speed top loader but has drum brake on all 4 corners. I wouldn't dare change the interior or original color.. But other changes just make it more drivable. I am adding a 4 barrel for sure. I don't own trailer queens or show cars.. I just like to drive them and enjoy them that way.

Thoughts on doing brakes and carb and radiator upgrades? Adds value or takes the value down?
My first GT/CS had drum brakes.
I was raised in my Dad's auto repair shop back in the day of Power Drum Brakes. They work fine for normal driving. NPD sells a Power Brake Booster for Drum Brakes P/N 2005-23AB, for $382. I installed one and was very pleased with it. (Better than paying $1,000+/- for Disc conversion.)



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
In the 70's and 80's, when originality was king, using an aftermarket radiator hose was sacrilege. With today's resto-mod craze, almost anything seems to go. With that said, I would only make changes that can easily be changed back, such as the brakes, radiator, carb, that you're talking about, and save the original parts. When I sold my CS, it left here with the interior and trunk filled with boxes of original parts saved from the restoration I did.



Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Pony, my GT/CS was also born Meadow Lark yellow, but with a J code 302-4V.
Restoring mine with a color change to Acapulco blue.
Added Ford disc brakes, lowered front coils to lower front end slightly. It will also have a thicker front sway bar, 15 inch styled steel wheels and GT caps, GT exhaust panel on rear, and a 24 inch radiator. Adding a factory console and likely 1969 head rest bucket seats.
Don't know when I will ever get this car finished, probably during retirement in 3 years.
I am not worried about a value hit, this was never going to be a concours restoration.