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1968 Project car value


Active member
Apr 11, 2004
Long Island, NY
Hi All,
Been a long time since I have visited the forum. Which kinda goes along with my question. I own a 68 GT/CS, Marti report, in the registry. I did what most guys do with classic cars....I began the resto, had kids, and may be considering letting her go (the car, not the kid..lol). I would only part ways with her (I have owned since '96) for the right price. Here is my dilema....I have no idea what the current value is. So if any of you feel so inclined, please chime in with an estimated market value for my baby. I will attach the marti report. The car is currently a rolling shell, ready for blasting, parts bagged and tagged. I have all the parts and pieces with the exception of both fenders. The major issues on the car to this point is a badly rusted roof (had vinyl top) and a rotted battery tray/inner fender apron. Frame is solid, no rot on rails or boxes or floorpans. Could be a very nice car when completed. My decision is: better to sell now to a collector capable of the resto, or continue to wait for the right time to finish without losing my shirt on the resto (cost vs. market value). Thanks for any help you can offer.


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Sorry to hear your concidering selling. Also sorry I can't help you with a quote. Looking at your Marti Report, Several things I found different from the Registry. I tried to download you Marti for the Registry, but for some reason, it won't download. Would you mind emailing me a copy of the Marti to my email address below. Thanks. Mike


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Posting pictures of the car and parts would go a long way toward helping someone estimate what it's worth...


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Projects rarely bring the sum cost of the parts. And if the list is as in your sig, lots of restomod stuff which limits the interest, or makes them uneeded to the collector you note if original is the goal (where more long term value is IMHO)

As a restomod probably could go 25-30k (tops) ballpark, unless very unique, common method is take market value when done, subtracts costs to restore (15k+?) and you end up at 10-15k... as noted without pics hard to say.

The roof rust and missing fenders are an issue, a bit of body work costs. Battery apron not much.
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