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Ha ha, so I take it was a dumb question? Sorry, my headliner is off and there is this brown insulation like residue. I was wondering if it was safe to remove. I don`t need anymore lung problems.:icon_dead
Ha ha, so I take it was a dumb question? Sorry, my headliner is off and there is this brown insulation like residue. I was wondering if it was safe to remove. I don`t need anymore lung problems.:icon_dead
This may be a silly suggestion as to what it might be, shredded newspaper or paper of some sort. Same stuff used in insulating homes. If not I wonder if it's a clothlike shredded insulation. My car's got that too, but it's not brown, but more of a gray. I wonder if yours might have some rust particles in it that give it that brown to it.
Every 1968 Mustang I have seen has fiberglass insulation glued to the roof. It is generally 3/4" thick and is cut in panels that allow the headliner bows to fit in place. No asbestos, but I would wear a dust mask. Hope this help,
Every 1968 Mustang I have seen has fiberglass insulation glued to the roof. It is generally 3/4" thick and is cut in panels that allow the headliner bows to fit in place. No asbestos, but I would wear a dust mask. Hope this help,
Believe that there was asbestos added to the mixture to improve insulation qualities. If you notice if exposed to heavy sun light for a long time it will often turn a white color from the original blackish color. No big surprise given the period when the acr were assemblied
"Originally Posted by Stacey Enderle
Now that makes sense. Did they originally put insulation under the hood as well?
Not on 68 Mustangs. In 69 Ford started installing them on some models like the Grande.