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Sell my GT/CS to buy a 69 Mach?


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
...Oh, but I have a willing 15 yr. old who's looking to drive in another year. I have complete power for now! I'm going to set up an umbrella table, easy chair and use the light stand plug-in to power my blender for making fruity drinks... A old retractable antenna will make the perfect pointer - calling the shots from a velvet creeper that'll double as a sleeper...

Age does have it's benefits! 'Gotta take full advantage while I can until my son goes off to Southern Cal and goes big time! ...leaving his dad to shovel all the snow......JOE!!!


Hey, I was just pointing out how well you get around for an old guy. :grin:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
...Oh, but I have a willing 15 yr. old who's looking to drive in another year. I have complete power for now! I'm going to set up an umbrella table, easy chair and use the light stand plug-in to power my blender for making fruity drinks... A old retractable antenna will make the perfect pointer - calling the shots from a velvet creeper that'll double as a sleeper...

Age does have it's benefits! 'Gotta take full advantage while I can until my son goes off to Southern Cal and goes big time! ...leaving his dad behind to shovel all the snow......JOE!!!


It may be time to start looking for a T-code!!!