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For Sale Shelby/ Thunderbird Taillight Panel, $400


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2021
Found this on Facebook in the 67-68 Mustang Swap Meet group. I did a search for C4SB-13440-B which is visible in the ad photos. Seller is located near Indianapolis.

I assumed these are from a 64 T-Bird and found the quoted explanation below from a 2007 post on this site.

" "13440" might be the number for the WHOLE T-bird assembly. BTW--the prefix "C4SB" is 1964 T-Bird. They used the same housing for '64 and '65. "the '65 was used on all the '68 thtough '70 Shelbys and the GT/CS (HCS).

Just remember to make sure the taillight frame is all chrome before you install it. Only the T-Birds and the '69-'70 Shelbys used the black-edge-painted version."




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