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The Happy Place you drive your GT/CS to.

Bob G

Well-known member
Jul 12, 2008
Long Beach, CA
nice places to drive your GT/CS

Not yet an owner of one of these marvelous machines. I can say I two have two very special needs kids that I like to drop off in the morning or pick up after school. in my 1987 Ford mustang LX 5.0. One other place I really like to drive is in the Hollywood Hills off Mulhuland drive and pacific coat highway has some beautiful canyons as well.
It gives me some time to reflect when I can pull over and scar down at the ocean and give my self a breather and some special time for me.

I hope that next drive will be in a GT/CS.

Bob Geco


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
My favorite place was to go to work, to just here coments or questions on her. I also like to take mine to my daughters place, where as when my granddaughter gets off the school bus, she always gets comments like, your Grandma drives that! They only thought Grandmas drive SUV's. But the two most favorite is on cruises with friends and getting on the interstate and just letting her go, and yes the sound she makes, oh so sweet. All I can say she is a head turner where ever my GT/CS goes. I't just pure and simple, I am relaxed just getting behind the wheel and driving her.:wink:


Oct 9, 2007
sherwood park Ab. Canada
You guys are probably going to hate me for saying this.....but I honestly get out a folding chair in the garage, prop my feet up on something, with a cold drink in my hand, and just look at my GT/CS......sometimes I then fall asleep. That is my favorite spot:icon_wink . (and, yes, I do drive it around too:tongue: ). Casey

Hey I thought I was the only one that did that !!! But last spring my wife and I drove to vegas FFF in knotts & galpin Ford. WE then went up the101 through B.C & back to Sherwood Park Alberta. When we got home we could have done it again. Because of the stang. The people we met & the way we were greeted at those fine events.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2007
Redmond, OR
I'm not telling

But there is a stretch of highway in Oregon that is the quintessential drivers road. There are straights, beautiful deep sloped banked curves, rivers, mountains and small towns to go through. The CS and the road work together in the curves to form a smooth fluid travelling motion that is so satisfying. Then there are the straights where the rough and tumble nature of the Mustang come forth. The load roar of the engine and the rush of accelaration......
Then of course, there is the nostalgia of travelling the same road my Dad travelled in his Presidential Blue 68 almost 40 years ago. I remember the conversations, his driving stance, and how he enjoyed the car as well. The Mom & Pops diner we used to stop at that is now long gone. Some of the fishin' holes I pass on the way by.
Now I take my wife and kids down the same road. Sometimes it is just my wife and I , sometimes my son (16 and loving driving) and I, sometimes my daughter (14 and thinks the cars is wayyyyy cool) and I. We talk, sing and laugh. We stop to picnic and fish a little.
I guess that is the perfect day out for me- it is definite Americana- and I thank God for such days. I hope my children will remember in 40 years how their Dad drove this road, and I hope they have the opportunity to take their children down the road as well. Taking a little bit of their Grandpa, me and their mom, and the GTCS along with them as well.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I have a short 5 mile drive along the water from East Bremerton to a little community called Tracyton. It has nice gentle curves and awesome views. Very short but always a pleasure.

My wife and I drive up to the Poulsbo waterfront and park next to a couple open air restaurants. We can eat and watch the people walk by the car. I have pretty much given up car shows over the years. I would rather drive than stand in a parking lot these days. Go to a couple local cruise nights where there are no awards.

Of note we have short stretch of road with an eight foot high solid cement bulkhead next to it just before turning on the Manette Bridge to go to East Bremerton. I love to take my sons friends up this section. Just as I start past the bulkhead with all windows down, I side step the clutch in my 67 Fastback, which is insanely loud, in first gear and hit 7k on the tach into second. The look on their faces is priceless!!! The GT/CS is getting there now. Just a supercharger away!!!



Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Double double animal style! :wink:


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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Almost anywhere along CA highway 1... with the Beach Boys playing :cheesy: