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The passing of one of finest of the "Greatest Generation"


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Walter Cronkite passed away today...

He started out as a war correspondent in WWII and was constantly in the front lines or flying along on bombing raids over Germany. He was one of the first to see Vietnam as the quagmire it became and said so on the air (Feb 1968) much to the chagrin of the Johnson administration.


He was, like a lot of the others of that era, one of the reporters that actually gave journalism a *good* name. He was tolerant and thoughtful but also an articulate straight talker who called things as he saw them (unlike the political correctness we have now have to put up with). He was a fine man. He will be missed.


"...and that's the way it is."


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
My wife and I discussed this last night. It's like a piece of us (almost like family) is now missing. Yes, he was 92 - but Walter seemed bigger than life for us growing up, and we just expected him to always be there. I hope to see him again some day when my time comes to go :smile:. Casey