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Thinking about buying a CS--Help please!


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Hi All!
I found this site and board tonight and it's great. I already own a 2001 Mustang Bullitt and I was thinking about looking into buying a CS. I've looked around my area and I found a couple, but they seem to be in the $14k range. My questions for you all and sorry if I sound lame.
-Where should I check in the car area for rust, etc? Are there certain areas that are rust prone?
-Any specific questions I should ask about CS's to the seller?
-Are Mustangs prone for troubles?
-Are there easy ways I can detect the car is real? Shock towers(?!) Taillight sheet metal area(?!) I read on the boards about those two areas.
-How much should I pay for a nice one(excellent shape, but not a show car)? I'm in CA. $14k seems steep to me.
Any help would sure help since I do not know anything about CS's except the wife and I would really like one!!
Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
First welcome to the site! I will try to answer all your questions the best I can:
1) '68 Mustangs are prone to rust in the floorboards, rear wheel wells, bottom of the rear quarters, bottom rear portion of the front fenders, hood cowlings, and the bottoms of the doors. I know this seems like alot of places to look, but many times these areas are hidden and are difficult to see. Make sure you crawl around the car and look.
2) Ask the seller if he has the original paper work, or if he has a Marti Auto report to verify its authenticity, if they don't have one get one.
Is the car a matching numbers car (engine and body VIN # the same)? This is more critical when you get into the 390's and 428's.
Are all the fiberglass part original or reproduction
3) The CS is 35 years old so there will be some problems with parts wearing out, but the only problem with the CS is dimming rear lights, this can be fixed with simply cleaning the connections or rear lenses. Sometimes a new light switch may be needed, nothing too cosmic
4) Look for the hood locks
Look for correct Fog lights
Look at the rear wiring harness, there should be a tag right above the passenger side taillight and the number should correspond to the numbers given in the parts section of this site
Make sure the underside of the trunk does not have the laid fiberglass look,there are 2 examples in the gallery of what the trunk should and should not look like
5) As for pay, click on the price guide on the main tool bar, one of your very own forum mates, straightsix, did the research for it.
Good luck and I am sure there are others that can add to my advice.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Good call Doug, I like to pour a cup of water in the cowl to check for leaks. Hard to detect otherwise. Hopefully, the owner doesn't mind!


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Thanks for the information. I will print out what you wrote and take it with me when I check out a CS tomorrow.

Thanks again! If anyone else has some tips I would appreciate it.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2003
Sorry I never formally posted, but yes I did buy one and here is the picture.
I've been working on it since I bought it a week or so ago. I've done everything from replace the radiator to fan belts and door knob pulls.
What a fun car!!


  • gtcs.jpg
    89.7 KB · Views: 202


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Very nice. That is one of my favorite colors, and it looks to be in pretty nice shape.