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Thinking of Selling Mt GT/CS


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2002
2 years ago I sold my car to my brother in order to pay some bills and some of my out of state tuition fee since I retuned to school as a full-time student. Well, I've not been able to collect the rest of the money for the car and I have found myself in more debt that I ever planned. Also, my brother has far too many projects on his hands. So I've decided to sell my car and payback my brother. I've seen prices on there cars go up so I wanted to know what you guys think my car is worth.

289-2v original with 70k miles
c-4 automatic
new paint
new vunyl top
new interior
GT Style Steel Wheels with really good tires
Lucas Fog Lamps
upper and lower console
upgraded stereo system without modifying the console or car
Power Steering
New front suspension and shocks
rebuilt heater system
no A/C
Manual Drum Brakes
Car turns on the first time and does not smoke
The car has all the original GT/CS parts (Fog Lamps, grille, Hood Locks)
I did change the front seats with 1969 seats because I liked the support of the head rests. They are fitted with the correct seat covers for 1968. The buyer can easily replace them with 68 seats.
Here are some pictures of the car, the car now has the GT/CS Stripes and is in storage in Calexico, CA. If you guys know of any potential buyers let me know.

Cesar Macias


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