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Thinking of selling my CS


Sep 30, 2004
I guess I have been going through some changes in the past year or so and I've just kind of decided I'm tired of dealing with all of my cars. I want to spend more time with my family and less on cars. I think some sort of hobby that the whole family can enjoy would be good.

I have already sold my 72 SWB Chevy truck on Ebay, and this month I sold my 20th Mustang Convertible. The only classic I have left is my CS. It just sits there doing nothing collecting dust. My wife thinks I should keep it, and that I will regret selling it, but I'm just not sure.

It's not so much about the money, but I think it should go to someone who will restore it and take care of it and not just let it sit

Thanks for letting me vent. Any input is welcome.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
If your seriously thinking about selling your CS it might help if you posted some pictures for all to see. Hey Arlie, here's your Highland Green CS you've been looking for.

Don 8)


Sep 30, 2004
[quote author=68gt390 link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13008 date=1122778338]
If your seriously thinking about selling your CS it might help if you posted some pictures for all to see. Hey Arlie, here's your Highland Green CS you've been looking for.

Don 8)

I'm still really on the fence. I love the car and I'm more or less looking for words of wisdom on the situation so I can make a good decision.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Wow, that's a tall order. What words of wisdom are you hoping to hear?

I think what you want to hear pretty well tells you what you should do. If you are hoping we will talk you into keeping and restoring the car then you are already telling yourself you want to keep it and should. If you want to hear that you should sell it then you already know that answer.

Restoring a car can be a long, drawn-out, time-consuming process, depending on what you want to do with the car. I've decided to do a rolling restoration because I want to drive the car and don't really care if it's not 100% perfect, others need to paint every bolt and only take the cars out for car shows.

Of course, my rolling restoration hasn't rolled in 2 months and my experiences could probably be matched by half the people on this board. For example, I can't put the headliner in until I install the console bracket. Waited for Mustangs Unlimited to send one for 3 weeks before they called and said it will be another 8 weeks. When I finally received the bracket, from another vendor, I couldn't figure out how to install it. Casey graciously faxed an article today that shows how the brackt fits so I'm now set.

Once the headliner is in I can't install the windshield until the dash pad is installed but I can't install the dash pad until the dash is painted and the dash panels are set, just to make sure everything fits, and so forth and so forth. That's the daily stuff that goes on when you restore one of these things.

My only advice is to decide if you want to spend hundreds, or even, thousands of hours (and dollars) doing that type of work or do you have other things you'd rather do? If you have the money you could hire it out but then you'd probably be better off buying a restored car. If you are leaning towards keeping it you then need to decide if you think it's realistic that you will restore the car or if it's more likely that it will sit in the garage until it ends up on www.carsinbarns.com.

If after all that soul searching you decide to go ahead and restore it I'd like to offer 2 other words of quasi-wisdom. First - don't make the car your whole life at the expense of your family and friends and, second - give yourself a goal, a date by which it will be done. Those seem like contradictory goals but I think both are critical and they need to be balanced.

Just my opinion. Hope it helps.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2003
That was an excellant post by Mosesatm.

Is the car currently drivable?

One piece of advice I’d like to share is to get the car running before you make your decision if it’s not currently running.

My car sat for a number of years with an engine problem and it got to be depressing just looking at it and thinking about all the stuff that needed to be done and how little time I had. I finally did what needed to be done in order to get the car on the road again and just being able to drive the car peaked my enthusiasm for the project 10 times.

If you decide you want to sell the car even after driving it a few times, you’ll still recoup whatever you spent to get it on the road again.

If the car is currently road worthy and you just don’t enjoy driving it, then is probably is time to move on.


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
DONT"T DO IT. . . . . .
DON"T SELL IT !!!!!! Slap yourself in the face and come to your senses man! If you perfer, come down to Nixa and I'll slap some sense into you!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??????

Just another point of view to consider ;D



Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
[quote author=Perkchiro link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13056 date=1122923842]
DONT"T DO IT. . . . . .
DON"T SELL IT !!!!!! Slap yourself in the face and come to your senses man! If you perfer, come down to Nixa and I'll slap some sense into you!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??????

Just another point of view to consider ;D

Sorry Brian: That was intended for the New Guy, with the CT/CS for sale, NOT YOU, unless of course you want to be slapped in the face? ;D



Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
[quote author=Perkchiro link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13057 date=1122924564]
[quote author=Perkchiro link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13056 date=1122923842]

Sorry Brian: That was intended for the New Guy, with the CT/CS for sale, NOT YOU, unless of course you want to be slapped in the face? ;D


If I can stop laughing I might get this reply posted. That's pretty good. Thanks for the humor. I needed a good laugh.

Don ;D


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2003
[quote author=Perkchiro link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13057 date=1122924564]
[quote author=Perkchiro link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13056 date=1122923842]

Sorry Brian: That was intended for the New Guy, with the CT/CS for sale, NOT YOU, unless of course you want to be slapped in the face? ;D


Hey, there are days I really do want to sell the car. :(

Yesterday was one of them. I finally had to drop the wrenches and walk away for the rest of the day. :mad:

I'll pass on the slap for now but if I can't get my brakes back soon...


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Newbie here. Was a guest up until now but just had to register to respond to this thread. Per the original post "any input is welcome" here's my $0.02...


Having the best looking car ever made..........~$15K*
Having a piece of history in your garage **..........~$15K
Having a classic car you can actually buy parts for/work on with your son (or daughter)..........~$15K
Having a car that is rarer than a Shelby Mustang..........~$15K
Having a car that gets more thumbs up and double takes than a $250K Ferrari..........~$15K
Having a wife, with obviously exquisite taste, who encourages you to keep your GT/CS stang


* Based on price guide @californiaspecial.com in good to excellent condition
** 1968 - one of the most pivotal years of the last century http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/1968/reference/timeline.html


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Kelly, I've been thinking about your situation and may have come up with a solution.

Even though you are getting tired of restoring cars and won't touch this one for a couple years if you keep it I think you really want to keep the car, well, at least your wife wants you to keep the car and who among us would be willing to ignore that advice from our spouse!

How about making it interesting and taking this restoration to the next level? Like maybe build a Little Red ('67 Shelby Coupe) or a Green Hornet ('68 Shelby Coupe)?

Since your car was green and is now red you could easily go either way. Just spend the next 2 years collecting all the required Shelby parts and when you are ready to get back into the game you'll have all the parts you need and will be refreshed and ready to dig into it.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
[quote author=Mosesatm link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13085 date=1122987259]
Kelly, I've been thinking about your situation and may have come up with a solution.

Even though you are getting tired of restoring cars and won't touch this one for a couple years if you keep it I think you really want to keep the car, well, at least your wife wants you to keep the car and who among us would be willing to ignore that advice from our spouse!

How about making it interesting and taking this restoration to the next level? Like maybe build a Little Red ('67 Shelby Coupe) or a Green Hornet ('68 Shelby Coupe)?

Since your car was green and is now red you could easily go either way. Just spend the next 2 years collecting all the required Shelby parts and when you are ready to get back into the game you'll have all the parts you need and will be refreshed and ready to dig into it.


Here is the Green Hornet
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Sep 30, 2004
[quote author=Mosesatm link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg13085 date=1122987259]
Kelly, I've been thinking about your situation and may have come up with a solution.

Even though you are getting tired of restoring cars and won't touch this one for a couple years if you keep it I think you really want to keep the car, well, at least your wife wants you to keep the car and who among us would be willing to ignore that advice from our spouse!

How about making it interesting and taking this restoration to the next level? Like maybe build a Little Red ('67 Shelby Coupe) or a Green Hornet ('68 Shelby Coupe)?


I can't argue with that. I have a very supportive wife and she really loves the GT/CS for some reason. I think it's her favorite car out of all of the ones I've had since we've been married.

Time has a way of fixing things and I know If I just sit on it and wait it can't hurt anything, I just hate to see a nice CS sit under a shed for a couple of years waiting for the proper treatment.

As a side note. I guess I am considered a new guy, but I have actually been lurking around for quite some time. I just don't post much. I purchased my car from another member here and I have learned a ton from hanging on these message boards.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA

Do what you think is right. I ran across a "Wimbleldon White, with red stripes" today, and have met the lady that owns it about two years ago. I gave her the "thumbs up" as this car deserves. She was appreciative, and waved back.

If this isn't what you want, let it go to someone who will take care of it, and do what is right...




Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
[quote author=klmore link=board=1;threadid=1952;start=0#msg12971 date=1122664210]
My wife thinks I should keep it, and that I will regret selling it, but I'm just not sure.

I think your wife knows you better than you do. I think most wives know thier spouses better than they do. It's scary......
Anyway, based on that.... Unless you are really strapped for the cash or space, I would go with your wifes council. Do it for her. She doesn't want to hear "I sure wish I had listened to you about that GT/CS" "I never should have sold that one" etc.

At some time in the future your family may wish you were spending more time with your cars. lol

Seriously, if you were looking for reasons not to keep your car, you came to the right place. After all who better to advise you to sell it than those of us who love these cars, own these cars or wish we owned these cars.
I think you should sell it. I will even make you an offer, will $500 make you happy?


Sep 30, 2004
Time is a good thing. I guess I can just let it sit until I feel the need to do something with it. This will be the first car that I purchased and didn't restore, but maybe in time I will find the interest to tackle this project.

One thing I have thought about doing is selling my car and buying one already completed or close to complete. That way I could enjoy the experience of CS ownership without the time away from the family.

I've been surprised how much interest I have received about the car. There seems to be a fair amount of people who lurk about the site, but don't post.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Kelly, if you keep the car please remove the foglights and grille and place them somewhere safe and dry. You don't want them walking away during the middle of the night.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
Speaking from experience, I had a '72 R code Mach 1 once that I thought I had to sell for various reasons. Made a deal with a guy and he went and got a loan. When he came back, I tried to talk him out of buying it, but he wanted it and I'd made the deal so I let it go. I watched that car drive away and knew I'd made a huge mistake. I owned it from age 18 to 32 and a part of my history was leaving. Don't let this happen to you. If you have any doubts at all, keep it!