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What about the cars you ask?? checkout the 1919 truck with chain drive. It had a aircooler under the chassis that funneled air up and out the side of the radiator. Slick.
...Here's just a few more snapshots of the warbirds sent tonite by my brother Sean. He, Sharon and Bri brought their orange vests and were positioned right by the runway
WOW!!! Talk about "up close and personal". Those are great shots Tim! Some day I would love to get that close to one of those warbirds in flight! So far, I have only been that close while they were sitting still.
Indeed, which is why I love these small town air shows. A little volunteer spirit, some enthusiasm and a classic Mustang will always get you through the gate for free while affording many an opportunity ;-)
You can get the original resolution of my friends (Robert Van Gool - RVG)shots by clicking the picture hit the "all sizes" in small print above the picture and download. If not hit me up and Ill send em to you. Happy Friday.