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1968 Dual Exhaust Tips


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
Only the R code (428CJ), required the "GT" option in 1968.
GT optional with any other 4 barrel carbureted V-8 engine, not mandatory. (Not sure about the X-code 390-2V)


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Here is a copy of a August 67 addendum to the Ford sales catalog. Note the last paragraph under Mustang. Dalorzo what is the build date of your S code. Your are correct the Marti report trumps all other information. If you would not mind I would like to see your report. Marty


  • 68 Ford Sales Catalog Addendum 001.jpg
    68 Ford Sales Catalog Addendum 001.jpg
    128.5 KB · Views: 64


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Sure, happy to post it. BOSE order, non-GT drum brake S code... San Jose Dec 67...

Not the first person who hasn't beleived me when I note the fact not all S codes were GT's in 68! (I think it stems from the "390GT" engine in many cases... )

S code non GT drum brake

And, for reference, a S code GT (oddly built less than a week from the convertible at the same plant, but purchsed 15 years and half a world apart!) An odd note to the 68 GT's, the disc brakes were mandatory on the 390 cars when ordering the GT option, but the PDB are still called out on the order and Marti as once you got the S code and GT the PDB were a "required option". AFAIK.



Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
Very interesting. However does this negate the issue of small block-non GT cars (302 4bbl) cars getting the single type exhaust?


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Thanks for the Marti reports. It was not that I did not believe you, but as a judge I am eager to lean more about these cars so when I am judging I can do a better job. Interestingly My dad's 68 S code was built in the same plant one day after yours and sold fifteen days later than yours. I would like to establish the date when no more non GT S codes were built. Can you explain what a Base Off Standard Equiptment Order was? I have seen Stock orders Retail orders. Marty


  • Dad's 68 S code Marti 001.jpg
    Dad's 68 S code Marti 001.jpg
    84.4 KB · Views: 58


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Very interesting. However does this negate the issue of small block-non GT cars (302 4bbl) cars getting the single type exhaust?

I am quite certain non GT J code cars only got single exhaust. I would only except differently by a documented unrestored car or a Marti report.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
However does this negate the issue of small block-non GT cars (302 4bbl) cars getting the single type exhaust?

It doesn't, never said small blocks did not get single exhaust.

As noted stock was single, even on the J codes, but I believe dual was an option (as if you could get it painted any Ford color you wanted I would be willing to bet at least a few J code buyers opted for dual exhaust.... but could be wrong)

My understanding of the BOSE is a "line filler" slotted in at the plant. I have heard a few possibilities why, but similar reasons:

1. Ford was running a series of cars, I have heard they tried to batch similar cars to ease differences car-to-car on the line, and needed to keep the line going so had someone tick some boxes to make an order to fill some blanks on the line to meet quotas for the day.

2. Similar to above, but just cars to fill a slot in production, dealer/stock orders did not keep up with the line quantity, so someone had to make up options.

3. Again similar, but Ford was looking at production runs of parts they needed to use up and filled the line accordingly.

I don't know which is the reality, or if all have grains of truth. I'd lean towards #2 as I am not sure cars were batched by body style/engine, and #3 seems odd for a Dec '67 car as one would think later in the year finishing off on-hand stock would have been more likely... if it even happened.

As for how many ask Kevin Marti for a statistical report, not sure if he'd do "non GT S codes and build date by plant" but you could ask... if you really want to know. They are more common that folks think, I've seen quite a few over the years. I'd guess 1/4 to 1/3 of all S codes were non GT, but that is a pretty wild guess...

One odd factoid I have come across (as S codes are dear to me) is no 68 S code convertibles got a bench seat.
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Well-known member
May 22, 2009
One odd factoid I have come across (as S codes are dear to me) is no 68 S code convertibles got a bench seat.[/QUOTE]

Actualy no 68 convertibles got bench seats. You can find that one in the 68 Mustang sales broacher.

Thanks for sharing your theroies. At first I thought it may mean that you build was off standard becase of the non GT and S code and non power disc brakes, but am not so sure. I may have to ask over on the concoures forum.

Regarding nonstandard options yes I know there were ways to get odd things done in those days but as far as judging go we must follow documented standards. If a owner has documentation that his car had a color weather radar installed in the dash from Ford that is ok with me.
When Bob Teets owned our C code HCS he installled a duel exhaust system when I restored car I decided to leave it. I expect I would recive a decuction for a nonstandard option with out documentation. I show in MCA concours trailered class. It would not be a deduction in occasionly driven and daily driven classes.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Regarding nonstandard options yes I know there were ways to get odd things done in those days but as far as judging go we must follow documented standards. If a owner has documentation that his car had a color weather radar installed in the dash from Ford that is ok with me.
When Bob Teets owned our C code HCS he installled a duel exhaust system when I restored car I decided to leave it. I expect I would recive a decuction for a nonstandard option with out documentation. I show in MCA concours trailered class. It would not be a deduction in occasionly driven and daily driven classes.

Marty, Didn't you go with Concours correct duel Exhaust system? Couldn't you get this at the dealership, simular to a console, remote mirrors, etc. If this is the case, can you deduct points for an option you could have dealer installed? Just trying to build my knowledge as well.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
The Marti Report for my Feb 5, GT/CS is also designated as Basic Off Standard Equipment.


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Marty, Didn't you go with Concours correct duel Exhaust system? Couldn't you get this at the dealership, simular to a console, remote mirrors, etc. If this is the case, can you deduct points for an option you could have dealer installed? Just trying to build my knowledge as well.

Mike every thing on our car is as correct as far as my knowledge wll make it.
MCA rules for the concours classes say the car must be as delivered. So if a dealer installed a mirror or console you would need to have documentation on the sales contract. This is more commonly checked on unrestored and thoroghbred classes. For concours classes we do not look at the build sheets or Marti reports but if there is a non standard option such as a duel exhaust on a C or non GT J code the judge has the option to ask for documention.
Hope this helps. Marty


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
Good info to know Marty. Like I said, I know my car didnt come with the dual exhaust, but I personally like the rolled tip duals and valance better. It just makes the back end cleaner. I know I will ultimately loose points for such, but, nonetheless worth it imo


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Good info to know Marty. Like I said, I know my car didnt come with the dual exhaust, but I personally like the rolled tip duals and valance better. It just makes the back end cleaner. I know I will ultimately loose points for such, but, nonetheless worth it imo

As I allways say it is your car bulid it like you want. You may only attend one MCA show a year. That is why I decided to take the deduction on our car.