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1968 Dash Removal?


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Elgin, IL
I'm going to start working on removing my dash tomorrow night so I can have it soda blasted and repainted. Any tips or tricks from those who have done it? I removed a dash in my 81 Mustang years ago and that was a nightmare! Hoping this is not that bad! :icon_pani


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Define "dash". The pad or the metal?

If you just meant the trim over the body metal; The RH side lower has two screws underneath and a large nut on a plastic tab on the back (fun to get to). RH large panel about 7-9 nuts on plastic tabs (again, fun to get to). The center piece is held by the RH side and inst cluster. The inst cluster has 3 screws across the top and two below. Can be sticky to get out. Put a towel on the steering column. wiggle it out and pull the wiring clips (not a lot of room). LH controller is 4 screws, disconnect cables from heater box and pull out carefully noting routing for replacement.

AC is similar, but some hoses to deal with.

Dash pad, remove trim at lower edge of windscreen, check for screws in pad (some PO's seem to use them), and then remove two nuts on the backside at each end near the door. Remove gently to not tear anything...

Should be a couple hours, max...


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Define "dash". The pad or the metal?

If you just meant the trim over the body metal; The RH side lower has two screws underneath and a large nut on a plastic tab on the back (fun to get to). RH large panel about 7-9 nuts on plastic tabs (again, fun to get to). The center piece is held by the RH side and inst cluster. The inst cluster has 3 screws across the top and two below. Can be sticky to get out. Put a towel on the steering column. wiggle it out and pull the wiring clips (not a lot of room). LH controller is 4 screws, disconnect cables from heater box and pull out carefully noting routing for replacement.

AC is similar, but some hoses to deal with.

Dash pad, remove trim at lower edge of windscreen, check for screws in pad (some PO's seem to use them), and then remove two nuts on the backside at each end near the door. Remove gently to not tear anything...

Should be a couple hours, max...

I assume that you are going to strip to a shell. In addition to the above I would take a lot of picture as you go also making note as to where screws and other fasteners go. Be carful not to break the wire harness anchors.
Good Luck Marty


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
if you mean the metal dash, its all fully welded in. you will need to remove the glass, and all tge rest of the stuff under it and then blast it inside the car. alternatively you could drill out the spotwelds, and weld it back in when finished...

it wasnt until 69 that the dash unscrewed from the body...


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Elgin, IL
Ah, did not know the metal dash was welded in. I though it could be removed. I guess I will change this post to I won't be removing my dash tonight! Looks like I will need to find a way to repaint it in the car!