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1968 Owners Manual Envelope


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Does anyone know if anyone makes a reproduction envelope the owners manual came in? I don't think they were year specific, but the one I have is quite worn. (1968) They were kinda thick card stock manilla color and just slightly bigger than the owners manual. I can't see any print date. Many Dealers put thier name, address, and hours on them. If no one reproduces them, does anyone have a near mint envelope you can scan (front and back) and email to me? Thanks. Mike Jewell


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
No. You could try contacting Marti Auto (the Marti report folks) and asking them if they have them. They sell a lot of stuff like invoices, window stickers, and other things that came with our cars.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
This one looks different but the seller claims it's for a '68.


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Yea, I saw that one on ebay, but notice the dealer info on the envelope. The one I have is generic. I was hoping someone might have a generic one in great shape that can be duplicated. I'll keep searching the internet, The bottom of the envelope has Form 741, Price books and For....... The rest was unreadable. There were two addresses, one Arcadia, Ca. and one Detroit. I am going to search Price Books, Arcadia, Ca. and see what I can find. If they are still in business, maybe they have an archival file. Wish me luck.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Generic envelope in not bas shape...

Yea, I saw that one on ebay, but notice the dealer info on the envelope. The one I have is generic. I was hoping someone might have a generic one in great shape that can be duplicated. I'll keep searching the internet, The bottom of the envelope has Form 741, Price books and For....... The rest was unreadable. There were two addresses, one Arcadia, Ca. and one Detroit. I am going to search Price Books, Arcadia, Ca. and see what I can find. If they are still in business, maybe they have an archival file. Wish me luck.

Here is one I have with the full booklets content.

Is this what you're looking for?


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Here is one I have with the full booklets content.

Is this what you're looking for?

That is exactly what I am looking for. I had no luck on the internet. Can you photocopy the envelope and/or scan it and send me a copy, we can try email first and I can compare it with my envelope to try to reproduce. I need to have it 1 to 1 size. Thanks. I have one here for size comparison. Just need a perfect copy of the text. Is the back blank? What is the yellow paper saying to keep in the car incase of accident? Thanks again, Mike


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
That is exactly what I am looking for. I had no luck on the internet. Can you photocopy the envelope and/or scan it and send me a copy, we can try email first and I can compare it with my envelope to try to reproduce. I need to have it 1 to 1 size. Thanks. I have one here for size comparison. Just need a perfect copy of the text. Is the back blank? What is the yellow paper saying to keep in the car incase of accident? Thanks again, Mike

Hi, I'll try to scan it over the w-e.

The reverse of the envelope is blank/plain, with no hand markings (perfect condition).

The card "keep in the car" is in fact a little booklet (mint condition) from the Bar Association of the state of Kansas, published and issued as a public service. There are pages to register the details of an accident, with witnesses names etc.

This whole package was issued to a buyer in 1968, 8R01C167153, dealer was Noller Motors, 23rd at Topeka (Wonder which city this is). It could also be indeed a GT/CS. I bought this envelope loaded with its booklet in a local car flea market during a show (in Québec)