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Search results

  1. Powell

    . Modest Dream Garage

    Rob, My suggestion is to have a bath in the garage, at least a toilet and sink. Can't tell you how many garages and shops I have helped plan and after much pleading the client decided against the bath. ALWAYS wishing later they had listened. Ralph
  2. Powell

    Happy Birthday Midnight Special!!

    Happy birthday Tim, hope you have another wonderful birthday and a great year. Sure looks like some nasty V-8 in that tractor. Maybe Rob was around some where when the thing was ordered. Ralph
  3. Powell

    Boise State to the fiesta bowl !!!!!!

    Congradulations to the Broncos on another outstanding season. Kinda hard to say for a Duck/Beaver fan, but like most northwest fans we wish them the best against the frogs,horned bulls or whatever they are called. Ralph
  4. Powell

    . July 2010 Seattle MCA Show, Northwest Get Together Part Two

    Gary, where are you going to stay. Is it close to Rob's in Belfair? Ralph
  5. Powell

    Veterans Day...

    Tim, Thank you for sharing this, I think everyone should take a minute and watch this video.
  6. Powell

    1968 Gas cap removal

    I have removed the pop off without removing the panel, but it is very tight and must be done carefully, other wise you can chip the paint. Ralph
  7. Powell

    1968 Trunk Mat

    Arlie, It is my understanding that the cs's had the Plaid trunk mats.
  8. Powell

    . July 2010 Seattle MCA Show, Northwest Get Together Part Two

    Wow, what a wonderful group of folks, I don't know how Ralph and Karen could possibly miss this one! Rob is Renee' going to be helping with the Brisket??? might need to notify the local fire dept. Now we have to start looking for rooms near a good self wash car wash. Ralph
  9. Powell

    1968 power steering

    Thanks to all that have provided information here, it really helps. Ron did you get my order for the control valve and steering cylinder? Ralph
  10. Powell

    1968 power steering

    Tom, Thank you, the stangerssite is absolutely what I need. And yes every one has convenced me to go with new hoses while I am doing the job. Again thank you, thank you, thank you! Ralph
  11. Powell

    1968 power steering

    Thank you Tom, I see from the link that they also do the power steering pump, but the problem is they are only wholesale. Do you have a connection to send the pump to and get it done? I believe all of my hoses are fine, but plan to replace the control valve and ram at the same with new ones...
  12. Powell

    Mike, thank you for the info. The address for the court is: 201 church st. Nevada City, Ca. Is...

    Mike, thank you for the info. The address for the court is: 201 church st. Nevada City, Ca. Is there any chance you could get me a contact phone number? I tried looking it up on the net, but couldn't find a number to check on for the citation, Ralph
  13. Powell

    1968 power steering

    There is always beer and pizza. Since you have an A/C car, have you ever tried to replace the pump from the top? I look at the A/C plumbing and think I would have to evacuate the system and remove a lot of hoses etc. to get to the power steering from the top but it would be a lot easier than...
  14. Powell

    Hi Mike. We met you in grass valley for our family get together. Had some great pics. and...

    Hi Mike. We met you in grass valley for our family get together. Had some great pics. and really enjoyed it. I hope this is not out of place, but as we were leaving we got a ticket from the CHP. for speeding. The officer told us we would get a notice in the mail in the next week or so as to...
  15. Powell

    1968 power steering

    So glad that you get to see your new grandson. I know it has been a trying several weeks, hope all is well with mother and baby. Wow what an offer, we will be gone this weekend, but back for next. Hope to be able to get together with you. I will not have the pump in place however. But the...
  16. Powell

    1968 power steering

    O.K. I know this has been addressed before, but I really need some help with my power steering pump. I've looked and looked, but found no real good answers to the question, is there a reliable, rebuilt power steering pump out there. I've read on other mustang sites of the folks that have used...
  17. Powell

    1968 Family visit...

    "next time" What an awsome video, We can't wait for the next family get to gether to have you there and produce this kind of video. Karen and Ralph
  18. Powell

    Hi LeeAnn, Welcome to the site. Hope you were able to see the posts for the family visit. Dad

    Hi LeeAnn, Welcome to the site. Hope you were able to see the posts for the family visit. Dad
  19. Powell

    Hi Renee', I just talked to my Jeweler and the price for the earrings would be $ 145.00, and...

    Hi Renee', I just talked to my Jeweler and the price for the earrings would be $ 145.00, and the Pendent would be $ 55.00 shipping approx. $ 12.00 He could have them done by the end of Oct. if we get on it soon. Ralph
  20. Powell

    1968 Family visit...

    Wow, Wow, what a wonderful weekend. We got home in Beaverton, Or. about 4:00 pm and can tell you all, the gathering was the greatest weekend we have had for years!!!!! We can't wait for the 2nd. annual. Karen and Ralph Powell