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Search results

  1. 1968Cally

    1968 Engine Project complete

    Looks and sounds great!
  2. 1968Cally

    . The 25 Greatest Mustangs, per Hagerty

    I read the whole story and I too was disappointed that "we" were not included. Also, my all-time favorite muscle car the '68 GT500 KR was not listed.
  3. 1968Cally

    Wanted A/C Vacuum actuators

    Not sure about the extra bracket. The ones I got just had the one bracket spot welded to the pot. Are you talking about the flat rod that is about two inches long? That attaches to the actuator coming out of the pot. It is longer than the original so just take the original off the old...
  4. 1968Cally

    Wanted A/C Vacuum actuators

    I also bought four. RA was by far the cheapest. If you have the under dash all apart, I would replace all four if they are originals.
  5. 1968Cally

    For Sale Pebble Beige GT/CS in Oregon

    Just saw a Pebble Beige one on the Facebook VMF page yesterday. It had a black stripe and it looked good. The Pebble Beige (IMHO) is a very pretty color. I can understand some folks thinking it is too bland for a sporty GTCS and I get that. Nonetheless, I like the color even on new cars...
  6. 1968Cally

    For Sale Pebble Beige GT/CS in Oregon

    The air cleaner got painted and now the car is worth $8,000 more! LOL
  7. 1968Cally

    1968 Black CS Project

    That stinks. Feel sorry for you, Neil.
  8. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another GTCS On Hemmings

    But it looks cool LOL
  9. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another GTCS On Hemmings

    Well, it would be great if he gets his price. :grin: At least it is listed as negotiable. Seeing as my car is Sunlit Gold with a black vinyl top I am sure he has it priced right...
  10. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 GTCS in Oregon

    Here is one that popped up in the Hemmings email today. Needs some TLC. https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/ford/mustang-california-special/2407026.html?refer=alert&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-06-07
  11. 1968Cally

    For Sale 1968 HCS in Illinois CL

    Looks pretty nice.
  12. 1968Cally

    For Sale X code on EBAY - not in Reg?

    Thanks, Guys. It was the black hood inserts that made it a one of one car according to the Marti. However, it had the golden Ivy interior and now it is black. So, not correct. But I think it looks better in black. Also, the car did not come with SS wheels or the overhead console it now has...
  13. 1968Cally

    For Sale X code on EBAY - not in Reg?

    I agree. :icon_lol:
  14. 1968Cally

    1968 Lime Gold GTCS Final Paint

    Congrats. You made the right decision. IMHO
  15. 1968Cally

    For Sale Hemmings Auction GTCS

    I don't think now is a good time to be selling a classic car or other expensive "toy" unless you have to.
  16. 1968Cally

    1968 Marchal Mounting Hardware and sleeve

    That's pretty definitive
  17. 1968Cally

    For Sale Hemmings Auction GTCS

    Here is a Hemming's auction of a Paxton Equipped GTCS. Note that the last photo shows a price of $52k that the dealer (presumably) had on it before they decided to do the auction route. I have no idea what the supercharger adds to the value...
  18. 1968Cally

    For Sale Nice One for Sale

    This one looks very nice and at a very (imho) attractive asking price. https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/ford/mustang-california-special/2390931.html?refer=alert&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-03-26
  19. 1968Cally

    For Sale Highland Green 4-speed For Sale

    So you bought it! Are you happy with it? Do you think you got a good value for what you paid?
  20. 1968Cally

    SOLD '68 J-code Survivor

    Hemmings is working hard to make their online auctions work. From what I see, many of the nicer cars do not meet the reserve. Yours is pretty unique. When I sold my '55 Bel Air before I got my GTCS, I only had a couple of inquires from the online ad. But, the day the print version hit...