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Search results

  1. 1968Cally

    For Sale Nice one on Hemmings Auction

    Looks pretty nice to me. Well done restoration on an early one...
  2. 1968Cally

    For Sale Acapulco GT/CS Carthage, TN (Facebook)

    Oh yeah. I forgot about the worst part. Another easy fix.
  3. 1968Cally

    For Sale Acapulco GT/CS Carthage, TN (Facebook)

    Fairly close though. If it were mine, the first things I would do is replace the radiator with a stock one and put in the cardboard inserts in the back of the tail light panel to hide those pop rivets! Quick fixes.
  4. 1968Cally

    For Sale The Worst Clone I Have Ever Seen

    What a joke. https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/ford/mustang-california-special/2446856.html?refer=alert&utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-11-14
  5. 1968Cally

    1968 Trouble shooting brakes & booster

    Thanks, Jon. I think you are probably right but to your point, it will not hurt to try it first.
  6. 1968Cally

    For Sale Acapulco GT/CS Carthage, TN (Facebook)

    Looks like a real pretty one. Fairly priced if not a little low. Beautiful undercarriage.
  7. 1968Cally

    For Sale GT/CS In Illinois

  8. 1968Cally

    1968 Trouble shooting brakes & booster

    Is a slight hijack to this thread okay? Thanks, I appreciate it.:smile: I have 69 Bendix booster on my '68 GTCS with factory front disks. Brakes work great. I picked up a correct Midland booster and will be sending it to Booster Steve shortly. The prior owner had put on a new MC about four...
  9. 1968Cally

    1968 GT/CS dash badging

    Remember me? I contacted you, I guess in July as I had not received the dash badge I ordered in early June. I had given up on it by August. Well, guess what showed up on my mailbox today? Postmarked in Calgary on 6/10/2020. Package was in fine shape as well as the badge. Not sure which...
  10. 1968Cally

    1968 Front Fender "Mustang" Script Emblem

    Neil, After a year and a half, I finally mounted my fender scripts today. Thanks again for these measurements. They took the guesswork and angst out of the job. My big fear was the drill "walking" but it didn't. One more item off the to-do list. In the picture, it looks like the script is...
  11. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another Nice One

    Maybe the value of our cars have sky-rocketed and we just have not been paying attention. :grin:
  12. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another Nice One

    Thanks for the link which has more pics than the Hemmings ad which says to me, the car is not immaculate. Interior looks a little tired in places i.e gauges, wires hanging down and chips on the console insert. Also, for that money, the car should be bone stock right down to the hardware. Not...
  13. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another Nice One

    Agree. You would have to see it in person to really make an assessment. The header of the ad indicates good condition. But the first sentence of the description indicates "immaculate." Interior described as "nice." No detailed pics of the interior. None of the underside. If I lived in the...
  14. 1968Cally

    For Sale Another Nice One

    Looks like a nice one. No VIN or Marti so it could be a clone, I guess. Anyone know this car? A bit on the pricey side! Hope he gets it or close to it. But not from an educated buyer...
  15. 1968Cally

    1968 A/C vacuum actuators

    I bought my Motorcraft ones from Rock Auto for just about the same price a couple of years ago. They are cadmium (yellow) plated. Not sure if the originals were like this or if they were plain like the ACP ones Neil found. The only one that shows at all is the one on the heater box.
  16. 1968Cally

    Wanted 68 Mustang headlight bucket extensions

    You may want to also post on something like Vintage Mustang Forums as there are so many people there with so many parts compared to here. FWIW, I would try to get both sides. Check to see if there are any on eBay.
  17. 1968Cally

    For Sale A nice looking one

    Looks pretty nice. Dash and tail light panel are wrong https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/cars-for-sale/ford/mustang-california-special/2438610.html?refer=news&utm_source=edaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-10-14
  18. 1968Cally

    1968 Front end squeak

    Probably upper control arm bushings. Do they have grease fittings? Get your ear down there while someone else jostles the car up and down. That should confirm or exclude and hopefully help you find the squeak.
  19. 1968Cally

    1968 Front end squeak

    Probably upper control arm bushings? Do they have grease fittings? Get your ear down there while someone else jostles the car up and down. That should confirm or exclude and hopefully help you find the squeek.
  20. 1968Cally

    1968 Old vs New. Comments Please

    It is not that I thought the black version was masculine but when I first saw the picture of the white version I thought it was quite feminine. Great color combo for the fairer sex.