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Search results

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    1968 Marchal or Lucas?

    So would the retro at the dealer would explain a car I looked at last summer (photo attached). This was a one owner car with a 3/8 build date. Other than the 67 running horse, it appears to have the correct grill, but not the correct pedistals. For show purposes, would a car be marked down...
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    1968 68.5 car

    Armond, great website. It looks like you do really nice work. Has anyone seen the Marti figure for how many GTCS Cobra Jets were built? Just curious.
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    1968 Lucas fog light value?

    Disregard that last message. I did a search of the site and found the answer to my question.
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    1968 Lucas fog light value?

    The lights in that auction have short (stubby) mounting brackets. Are those correct for GTCSs? All the photos I have seen on this site have taller mounting brackets. I'm sure this has been covered, but what gives? Did some GTCSs come with those short mounts? Azbeneman
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    1968 Dealer Options in 68 & Where to look for rust

    Did the hood stripes only come in black? If so, then these were definately dealer installed. Yeah, I know a fair amount about these cars. I just have never done a 67/68before. If I end up eventually purchasing the car, I would restore it back to white, probably do blue stripes. Not sure...
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    1968 Dealer Options in 68 & Where to look for rust

    The door data plate showed just M for paint. Interesting note on the second digit. I have not seen that on a 68 before (plenty of 69s), but the hood stripes are rarely seen in the first place. Ah yes, if the cowls leak then I might have to pass. I have replaced floors, but the cowls are too...
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    1968 Dealer Options in 68 & Where to look for rust

    I'm new to this forum, but have been lurking for several years. Been looking for a GTCS, and may have found one this week. (yes it was in a barn, has not moved in 20+ years and needs a lot of work - but it is a well optioned C code car). I am familiar with the Marti Reports, but have a few...