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1968 Marchal or Lucas?


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2012
San Diego
I was wondering what approximate month and date Ford stopped using Marchal Fog Lights and replaced them with the Lucas Fog Lights.

Thanks, Sean


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
April 26th was the last date of Marchal lights. After that, all GT/CS and HCS cars had Lucas, but still used the GT/CS Grilles as they were already made.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
What's up Mike? I found the following post you made back on 7/3/2006 at 01:34am regarding the Marchal lights.

Don - 68gt390


To give you a quick lesson. All GT/CS cars built prior to April 26th, 1968 were equiped with Marchal fog lights attached to the brackets in the grill. They had clear lenses, not amber. Due to legal reasons, the Marchal lights were deemed to bright in California, so Ford issued a recall on all GT/CS cars, and replaced the Marchal's with Lucas fog lights. Not all owners participated in the recall. All cars produced after April 26th, were equiped from the factory with Lucas lights. These were mounted on top of round pedistals mounted through the grill molding. The example you supplied shows one driving light (Clear Lens) and one fog (Defused lens). The Fog light is correct for both lights. The recall cars were retroed at the dealership, and some Lucas lights were mounted incorrectly by not using the round pedistals. All GT/CS mustangs, regardless of production date, or fog lights installed still had the Marchal style fog light brackets in the grill. This was due to the fact all the grills were already made by Shelby automotive.
I hope this helps. Mike
ps, Be sure of your production date before buying fog lights, as all cars produced after 4-26-68 are only correct with Lucas lights. Also, the mounting studs are the same length. The picture is deceiving, but they are the same length.


Mike Jewell
GT/CS Registrar


Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
So would the retro at the dealer would explain a car I looked at last summer (photo attached). This was a one owner car with a 3/8 build date.

Other than the 67 running horse, it appears to have the correct grill, but not the correct pedistals. For show purposes, would a car be marked down for using these pedistals assuming it came this way from the dealer?


  • compressedGTCS.jpg
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Well-known member
May 22, 2009
The answer is yes and no. Yes I would deduct for the wrong pedistal, and no I would not deduct for them provided that the owner could provide documentation that the car was delivered from Ford with the Shelby style pedistals. Hope this helps
Marty Rupp MCA 67-68 gold card judge


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
As I was Saying

Hi Don, How the heck are you? Thanks for finding and posting the old thread. As I was saying.......

What's up Mike? I found the following post you made back on 7/3/2006 at 01:34am regarding the Marchal lights.

Don - 68gt390


To give you a quick lesson. All GT/CS cars built prior to April 26th, 1968 were equiped with Marchal fog lights attached to the brackets in the grill. They had clear lenses, not amber. Due to legal reasons, the Marchal lights were deemed to bright in California, so Ford issued a recall on all GT/CS cars, and replaced the Marchal's with Lucas fog lights. Not all owners participated in the recall. All cars produced after April 26th, were equiped from the factory with Lucas lights. These were mounted on top of round pedistals mounted through the grill molding. The example you supplied shows one driving light (Clear Lens) and one fog (Defused lens). The Fog light is correct for both lights. The recall cars were retroed at the dealership, and some Lucas lights were mounted incorrectly by not using the round pedistals. All GT/CS mustangs, regardless of production date, or fog lights installed still had the Marchal style fog light brackets in the grill. This was due to the fact all the grills were already made by Shelby automotive.
I hope this helps. Mike
ps, Be sure of your production date before buying fog lights, as all cars produced after 4-26-68 are only correct with Lucas lights. Also, the mounting studs are the same length. The picture is deceiving, but they are the same length.


Mike Jewell
GT/CS Registrar