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Search results

  1. C

    Wanted: GT/CS Recognition Guide

    All, what is the difference between the recognition guide that tealgm is looking for and the registry that jbsteven is selling? And how will Pauls new book differ from these two? Thanks, Mark.
  2. C

    GT/CS watches for sale

    I believe Meadowsdk28 was refering to the guy selling restoration videos in the past on this site, not the watch guy, he unfortunately just got caught in the crossfire. I think the watches are pretty nice. Mark.
  3. C

    GT Vs GT/CS

    I have thought about why all the value books usually list the 68 GTCS higher in value than the 68 HCS. Here is my opinion: 1. More exposure...more well know 4000+ vs 251 2. The California "mystic"...always worth something. 3. High country is not a clearly defined place. Maybe should have been...
  4. C

    Engine Question

    BARTMAN.....it took a years supply of Tequila to be able to say his name without twitching! As far as the Rockies, the expansion years were a lot fun but like the Cubs they let the good players go due to salary issues. Casey, on the dyno, any good carb shop or engine tune shop should have one...
  5. C

    Engine Question

    I like the carb exchange idea. That could eliminate a whole range of possibilities. As far as the Cubs....50 years may be too kind. After the '69 season when they broke my heart I hope for the best and expect the worst. On the bright side maybe the Rockies will win 20 games this year!
  6. C

    Engine Question

    Coming originaly from Chicago I have experience with the curse of the "Billy Goat". Those curses can be powerful. If that is the case I am in over my head!
  7. C

    Engine Question

    Casey, are you sure your distributor is advancing it's full range under load or at increasing RPM? Is the distributor and shaft OK? In other words no binding? You did say the balancer was OK wasn't it? If timing, advance, vacuum, wires and plugs have been checked and cleared, if engine...
  8. C

    Missing console??

    Thanks for the link Sara. Now after seeing Don's console which looks great I may look into that. I too have kid's and need a place for cups, etc when driving. I also like the idea that it can be removed when showing the car, Mark.
  9. C

    Missing console??

    I am also looking at putting a center console in my car because I like the looks. Mine however is a 4-speed. What is involved in the installation? Does the radio get relocated and can I do this with a dealer installed under the dash A/C? I have checked out E-bay and did not see anything I...
  10. C

    eBay and Patience

    Hook, I have bought alot of parts off of e-bay for my cars and have been very happy with the results. To date I have not had a bad experience. Same with Hemmings, must be the people in this hobby. I am now thinking of selling a car on e-bay and was wondering if anyone has sold a car this way...
  11. C

    Newbie has a question

    Sara, I believe when the California dealer group sold the idea for the GT/CS they agreed upon a quantity of around 5000 units with Ford so Ford would have enough cars to "tool up" a run. Some were certainly pre-orderd by cusomers wanting specific options but I would guess that most were dealer...
  12. C

    67 High Country?

    Arlie, yes I drive by Mt Lindo every day on the way in to work in Englewood. I never have been up there but will be in Arizona for part of the week of the 6th. I will be back on Tuesday and may get a chance tostop by and say hi. Send me a PM and let me know the hours you are there, I always...
  13. C

    67 High Country?

    I thought the price was a little steep for the condition, year and model Don. Wasn't that year HCS a dealer installed badge only, over special factory paint? I thought it was a pretty car in the picture but thought the asking price should be below the $10,000 bar, assuming a 289 V8. Did they...
  14. C

    67 High Country?

    Yes I believe it is. I spoke to the owner and she said that her husband owned it for 25-30 years at least. He had it when she met him. Paint has some chips and windshield is cracked. One tire is flat. She did not know what engine was in it but it does have an automatic tranny. Runs good she...
  15. C

    "lol" help

    Thanks Hook, this is a lot better now that I know what you folks are talking about!!
  16. C

    "lol" help

    Thanks for the dictionary! If I had asked my teenage son then I would have had to admit he does know some things that I don't and at 13 that could be dangerous ...for me, Mark.
  17. C

    "lol" help

    Oh. Thanks Brandon, I will go away now for awhile, Mark.
  18. C

    "lol" help

    OK I should probably know this but I don't, so please don't laugh too hard. What does "lol" at the end of some posts mean? Is it a code, are there others I should know about? This has been driving me nuts for months and I figured I had better ask while I am still a newbie and at least have...
  19. C

    What constitues original?

    Ron, we have a thing in my other life (Corvettes) that is called survivor class. These cars may not be perfect, few are, but are worth a fortune because of original paint, exhaust, tires, sometimes belts and hoses. The problem is they are not alot of fun to drive due to reliability issues. If...
  20. C

    428 CJ on Ebay (not GT/CS)

    I had been following this auction and was waiting to see where the bidding went (you know, laying in the bushes until the last few seconds...just kidding). When it was pulled from E-Bay I wrote to the seller asking why he stopped the auction. He told me he pulled it because he did not know how...